10 Ways To Shift Your Sales Into Overdrive

by Kim and Charles Petty - Date: 2008-08-22 - Word Count: 249 Share This!

1. Publish testimonials for your free stuff. It would increase their value and if they're viral marketing tools, you'll have more people giving them away.

2. Give your visitors a good time so they will visit your web site again. Use a few jokes, humorous graphics and funny stories.

3. Make money from web sites that don't have an affiliate program, by doing a joint venture. Set up the affiliate program through a third party for them.

4. Build rapport with your potential customers by teaching them something new. Provide them with free ebooks, articles, tips, courses, etc.

5. Allow your visitors to collect things from your web site so they will stop back again and again. It could be a series of software, ebooks or articles.

6. Keep each page of your web site consistent or similar. Use similar text fonts, colors, graphics and background on every page.

7. Build a popular directory of freebies. It will draw tons of traffic to your web site and you can request that submitters place your link on their web site.

8. Create traffic generators that people can add to their site without doing all the work. It can be an article directory, freebie directory, web tool, etc.

9. Challenge your visitors to buy your product or service. People love a good challenge. Tell them if they can find a flaw you'll give them a refund.

10. Form a strategic alliance with other related but non-competing businesses. You'll be able to beat your competition by selling to a larger audience.

Related Tags: investment, advertising, online business, business, investments, sales, business online, businesses, markting, business online strategy, business strategies online, 10 ways to shift your sales into overdrive

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