Create A Vision You Can Be Excited About- Setting the Structure to be Unlimited
The expansion of an idea into a vision that inspires action adds up to achievement. Everything created began with an idea that was developed into a vision that inspired action. In 1962 John F. Kennedy had a vision voiced like this, "We choose to go to the moon in this decade…". About a year later Martin Luther King (MLK) expressed his vision which included, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." It seems every Olympic Gold Medal winner's journey at some point clarified the vision that they could win an Olympic gold, and the greatest works of architecture came from contemplation. Learn the benefits of an unlimiting vision that you can be excited about and how to begin creating that vision by reading on.
5 ways a vision helps produce what you want:
1- Unlimited Results- Bill Gates had a belief that the computer would be a valuable tool on every office desktop and in every home. This became the early vision for Microsoft. I wonder how much slower Microsoft would have developed if his original vision was limited. A vision expands the possibilities.
2- Focus & Guidance- A clear picture of the end result helps you maintain focus on what is most important. Thoughts direct actions so it makes sense that holding a vision of what will make the greatest positive impact will help guide your actions in the direction that will make the greatest positive difference.
3- Manifestation- The creation of something valuable begins with an idea nurtured thru towards realization. Visions are not always manifested in our time frame. MLK's vision has not been fully manifested, yet monumental strides continue to be made towards it. Imagine how many would have suffered if his vision was small. A vision sets the intention for the manifestation of what you want.
4- Motivation- An inspiring vision based on who you are motivates daily into action. The vision can be based on:
~ a talent such as a singer who has a vision to win American Idol,
~ a cause such as Peace Pilgrim who walked for 28 years and over 25,000 miles to bring about peace,
~ a passion such as a gardener who wants to develop a landscape business,
~ a strength such as a sales person who can sell a Mets jersey to a Yankees fan to be Salesman of the Year for his/her company.
5- High quality decisions- Being clear about what is most important long term can help you make better decisions when new choices and opportunities present themselves.
Getting Started Creating Your Own Vision
~ If there were no excuses, what dream job would you pursue?
~ List 5 things that you do not want to regret at age 85??
~ Create a wish list of 101 things you want to do before you die??
~ What is the best use of your strengths, talents, skills, and passions packaged together?
~ Create a Vision Board- Cut pictures out of magazines that speak to you personally, add words, quotes, numbers, etc. to your vision board and put it where you will see it daily. Notice how what you want begins to show up.
Close your eyes and experience your vision with all of your senses as if it has been achieved. This is important. Make it as vivid as possible. Add color to the picture, make it bigger or closer, and experience it emotionally. As Joseph Murphy stated so simply, "we go where are vision is." Decide your aim…starting now!
Copyright 2007, Beth A. Tabak, All rights reserved.
Related Tags: vision, focus, personal vision, vision board, business vision, how to create a vision, clear focus
Beth Tabak of is a Business & Life Coach, speaker, columnist, & owner of Starting Now. She coaches big thinkers to move beyond limits, stand out in the crowd, and experience the vastness of their capabilities. Stop by to see all that's available to you and say "hello".
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