Carpets: Classic, Modern And Design

by Lia Contesso - Date: 2010-09-14 - Word Count: 460 Share This!

The design carpets design in the latest years let the imagination run wild: carpets don't attract the sight with discretion to admire their beauty, they capture the attention with flashy and imaginative designs. Some examples? What do you think about a slice of bologna in the dining room, or two fried eggs in the living room? Two yellow poufs instead of the yolks on a soft white carpet.

Buying a cow carpet, by now, is not such an extravagant choice any more, compared to others: the weirdness of design went over, creating funny and functional carpets - the idea of the fried eggs, after all, is not only funny, as it also offers the chance to use the carpet to sit down and live it in a different way.

Another example? The carpet with the flip-flops included; they are cut out from the carpet, and you can put them in their place when you sit on the sofa. Anyway, the "classic design carpets" still exist, those simply "carpet-shaped": woollen carpets, leather carpets and traditional carpets, beautiful and with their classical function of warming up the atmosphere in the place where they are, giving it their touch of elegance.

Summing up, the production of carpets, offers a wide choice: classic and modern carpets, other than the ancient ones: that is to say, every home has got its own carpet.

The choice, in fact, should be made following the interior design of the rest of the house, or of the room, and of course your own taste: the final result, after all, is a kind of mirror of the character and style of the owner of the house. Other than being an aesthetics and style choice, you should keep in mind functionality as well, so you should think of your habits and of how you wish to use your carpet: they are different one from the other, also as far as cares they need are concerned.

The handmade knotted carpets need a particular care not to deteriorate: the fleece is composed of thousands of knots, and this kind of carpets need a special care in the cleaning, for which it's better to rely on a professional. The leather carpets as well need some cares; first of all, when buying them, check that they have their guarantee certification, which will demonstrate their quality.

When choosing a carpet, then, you'd better get informed on the cleaning, and choose a carpet more or less delicate according with the use you intend to make of it, which depends on how you use the room in which you wish to put your new carpet.

Anyway, choosing your carpet may be fun, if you are willing to have a look at all the possibilities: you will find yourself in front of a variegated and imaginative offer!

Related Tags: carpets, design carpet, leather rugs

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