SEO's Guide In Directory Submission

by Eligio tapiador jr - Date: 2006-03-15 - Word Count: 1263 Share This!

SEO's Guide In Directory Submission

by: Eli of SEO Reign

Manual Directory Submission seems to prevail on the start of the Internet and even nowadays it's becoming the trend. From the layman's point of view of doing business like in the actual world, your business should be listed in the trade directories, phone directories and different kind of directories that allow access to your company's profiles, products and services offerings. On the Internet, it woks very fairly the same and there are several huge directories that you need to prioritised to be listed on it such as google, yahoo, dmoz, msn, altavista, etc. The more appropriate the directory for your domain the better to get listed. Submitting a site is merely telling a directory that is also managed by a human that your site exists and is ready to do business, thus you are suggesting it to the directory. One submission or suggestion is most appropriate.

Things To Remember When Doing Manual Directory Submission:

1. Your site's meta such as title, keyword and description must be all set.

2. Your site's should not contain any incomplete pages or under construction if you submit this site without this consideration, it will get you rejected fast and guaranteed.

3. Think very well your site's niche products/services and concentrate on them building your pages very carefully to "zero-in" those products/services.

4. Products and services are very similar to your site's meta keywords. It's better to have 5 zeroed-in keywords rather than having 20 or 25 keyword. Concentrate on those 5 keywords. Eat, sleep, breath, and do every day things with those "keywords" in mind, don't let anything in the world distract you from those goals.

5. Your site's meta descriptions are also derived and suggested from your keywords. An example construction is below:

SEO Reign - SEO Friendly Web Directory - Search Results

Base your entry on meta from the example given above.

6. Your site's meta title will and need to agree and be similar with your keywords and description combined. Don't get out of focus on it.

Types Of Directory Submissions:

There are 2 types: (a) manual and (b) automatic

1. Consider manual submission as like into driving with your eyes fixed on the windshield as automatic as to just driving without looking.

2. Having mentioned the above comparison of the 2 types, most seo will tell you going to the path of manual submission is best on every web site.

3. Doing submissions is a lifetime project assigned to every web site it cannot be ignored. It must be done religiously and it cannot be finished. No one can ever say that he or she is an seo guru for it will never be finished. You have to study and research all those web directories out there, don't worry one site claimed there are already 700,000 to a million web directories recorded so you have a lot of things to do.

4. Do the submission first as an example with 2 staff (at the most) watching you how you do it. Make sure there's a contract first before doing this.

Trying to distinguish a bad seo from a good one nowadays is very difficult but I have compiled several guides both for the would-be clients of SEO Experts and for the SEO doing search engine optimization as a profession. I'll start with the guide for the "would-be" clients.

Guide For The "would-be" SEO Clients:

1. Always remember no SEO expert will give you enough information about a site's seo efforts for you to duplicate them.

2. Ask to see success results for the company's seo efforts. Let them quote you some sample domains they done with the past like for example 5 or more domains are convincing enough. Tip: The first place to look at is at the main corporate domain of the said seo company.

3. You should at least get straight answers from the following questions:

- What are some sites you've worked on successfully?
- For what keywords is the site ranking well?
- About how often are those keywords searched on?
- If you did not optimize the site to rank high for keywords, did you do anything for the site's content to help it attract more non-standard search traffic?
- How much traffic does it have?
- What general methods did you use to achieve these results? (optional) If the company agrees to answer, then you're chance are huge that this company is really an seo expert.

4. The most important point of seo quality assurance is the cost.

5. No real seo company is going to perform an seo service for a particular site for less than they could have gotten it for a year of adsense or affiliate earnings for the same amount of work. Let's face it, the adsense empire technology is being monopolized by both blackhat seo and the good seo just because of their assured earnings per year and they could live and profit without even without a client for a year. Most of their pricing scheme will cost you more than a leg or neck or it could be more than that but the good seo will stick to their price.

How To Use The Web Directories For The Best Seo Efforts:

1. The "Do-it-yourself" Guide starts by visiting the SEO Friendly Web Directory located at and then browsing through the many listings of manual directories and submitting through them one by one.

2. Submit your domain to as much web directories as you can whether they are free, paid, and niche directories. This is the basic core of your web promotion and should be done on a regular if not on a daily basis. Hire at least 2 staff to do it for you on a daily basis. Be careful of rotten web directories that lists porn web sites and all kind of illegal content (Bad neighborhood).

3. Read me first. Most web directories have high PR so submitting to them without an exchange deal is very difficult, read first their guidelines and don't just "blindly" submit to them without reading it first. Mostly exchange deals are in the form of you are (a) obligated to receive from them a daily, weekly or monthly newsletter in exchange for your free listings with them; (b) requires you to edit one page dedicated for their listings; (c) requires reciprocal linking; (d) requires a virtual card or some sort of "buy me a beer" to get you listed; and of course (e) requires one time payment fee.

4. If your site deals with wholesale products you have sourced from your suppliers, it's best to list in that particular "niche" directories, google can mostly help like you can search "wholesale+directories" or any keyword with "wholesale and directory" on it. You can run several keyword spinners out there that are free and that can help guide you through the keyword "wholesale".

5. One domain - one product. The trend nowadays is niche content and niche directories so it's better to create one domain for one product that will help you do most at least of your seo's efforts when it comes to the brand or name you carry.

So the next time you do your daily submissions, prioritize going to

Human-edited general web directory of quality and spam-free web sites, offering free and paid submission into our directory. 100% SEO Friendly Web Directory. Go and daily start your manual web directory submission routine and head on straight to

Copyright 2006 by Eligio Tapiador Jr. All rights reserved under U.S. and international law.

Article by Eligio Tapiador Jr. the owner and web developer of . You can also visit his other two web directory by visiting GO7 Web Directory and Bigvertiser Web Directory .

Related Tags: seo, directory submission, free directory, directory articles, directory guide

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