Aviophobia - Aerophobia - Fear of Flying

by Dawn Gilbert - Date: 2007-04-24 - Word Count: 324 Share This!

Flying is considered one of the safest forms of transportation there is and yet this fact has very little to do with the absolute terror that some people experience at the thought of air travel. This fear is so intense, that whenever possible, many people will find alternative ways to travel to their destination - or just not go at all. Others will consult with their doctors and are prescribed medication to help them relax during the flight.

What causes such great fear?
The emotions that come with the fear of flying stem from many sources but the most common factor is the feeling of not being in control. The person may feel helpless and trapped because unlike car travel they cannot just pull over and get out or even open a window.

Other components of this phobia may include the fear of heights (acrophobia) and the fear of enclosed spaces (claustrophobia). For others, the thought of turbulence and the fear of crashing is enough to keep them on the ground.

Although Aviophobia has always been noted as one of the most common phobias, the fear of flying has increased dramatically since the events of 9/11. Now we have added fears of hijacking and terrorism to an already anxious and stressful situation.

The Physical Symptoms:
The physical and emotional reactions of someone with Aviophobia are just real as if something dangerous actually were happening. For some people the mere sight of an aircraft can trigger a panic attack.

Some common symptoms are as follows:
Muscle tension and or tremors.
Difficulty in breathing.
Dry mouth, flushed or pale face.
Chest pain and heart palpitations.
Abdominal discomfort and or vomiting.
Sweating, dizziness, and weakness.

Aviophobia is one of several kinds of anxiety disorders. The fear is more concerned with what might happen than the actual risk involved. Statistically speaking, flying is much safer than driving a car, however for individual who is afraid to fly, statistics are usually not relevant to the fear.

Related Tags: phobias, air travel, fear of flying, flying phobia, aviophobia, aerophobia, fear of air crash

(Author: Dawn Gilbert) Did you know that phobia's affect over 10% of the population? Is the fear of flying preventing you from travelling? You can conquer your phobia!

Visit MyPhobia to learn more about phobias and their treatments.

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