Some Of The Best Choices For Backyard Games This Summer

by Todd Daniel - Date: 2010-06-02 - Word Count: 322 Share This!

This summer when you have people over for a barbeque it is always a fun idea to also have a few options for games to play with your guests. Games not only provide a little variety, but can also create a little competition for all of your guests. Luckily a number of new and fun games have recently become popular and are available to choose from, many of which are discussed below.

Cornhole (also known as Corn Toss or Bag-o): The game of Cornhole is a four person game involving throwing bags full of corn toward slanted wooden boards with a hole in the top middle. A team scores points if they land a bag either on the board or in the hole. All in all, Cornhole is actually quite similar to horseshoes, but safer since no metal is used.

Ladderball (also known as Testicle Toss or Bolo Toss): This game involves a three rung ladder created from PV piping. Players toss bolos, two golf balls connected by a string, toward the ladders. Bolos are tossed and score depending on if the bolos wrap around and stay on the ladder. Normally the game is a two vs. two game, but can be adapted for other sized groups.

Bocce Ball: A popular backyard game originally from Italy, Bocce ball pits two teams against each other trying to toss their team's bocce balls nearest to a smaller white ball which is the target for throwing at. Bocce is traditionally played 2 against 2, but could work for eight players since there are eight balls thrown per game.

Washers: A more recent creation, Washers is in a similar vein to cornhole but uses a smaller wooden box that player throw washers at and try to land in instead of the corn bags.

There are certainly a number of other excellent backyard games that can help take your barbeque to the next level, but these are some more recent favorites.

Related Tags: games, backyard, barbecue, cornhole, lawn games, ladderball

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