How To Eliminate Your Yeast Infection

by James Penn - Date: 2007-05-19 - Word Count: 418 Share This!

A vaginal yeast infection is an embarrassing problem. But there really is no need to be embarrassed, many women experience a vaginal yeast infection at some point in their life, so what you really need to know is how to get rid of it.

1. If you an unexperienced with vaginal yeast infections you might need to speak to a health professional and obtain their advice before you begin any procedures or treatments in order to try and permanenetly eliminate your yeast infection.

2. While speaking with the health professional you can discuss what method is best for you. Your doctor may be able to talk about natural and home remedies. Might be useful, so consider it.

3. Tea tree oil. Combine some tea tree oil with KY and apply a couple of drops to a tampon and insert it inton yourself.

4. Gentian Violet, you can swab it over your vaginal area. This has been done for many years and is a proven method of curing your yeast infection.

5. Cranberries contain particles that lessen bacteria in your body. Which means they may be useful when treating vaginal yeast infections. You can even drink it!

6. Relief will help the cure products work well, so try an elm cream/paste. You can make this by mixing elm power with some water. You can also use aloe Vera juice.

7. Yogurt contains Lactobacillus Acidophilus, which is also in a natural and healthy vagina. Using yogurt is actually simpler than it sounds. All you need to do is apply the yogurt to the vaginal area and into the actual vagina. You can insert it any way you feel comfortable.

8. Garlic actually contains antifungal particles that can get rid of your yeast infection. You need to use fresh garlic and use the cloves to create a 'tampon'. You might want to use gauze or any other bonder. You then need to then insert it for a few hours. You might want to try this a few nights in a row.

9. Boric acid can be used to get rid a vagina yeast infection. You will need to use the Boric Acid capsules, which can normally be purchased from a pharmacy. You need to use the capsules like a suppository. You will need to do this every day for anywhere between one and three weeks.

10. Potassium sorbate stops yeast from growing and multiplying. Potassium sorbate can be purchased wherever you can buy home brew kits. You will need to mix it with water and dip a tampon in the mixture. Do this for a few consecutive days.

Related Tags: yeast infection, vaginal yeast infection, cure yeast infection

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