Top 10 Marketing Tips
- Date: 2007-11-21 - Word Count: 596
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1.Repetition is key. According to research it takes approximately 7 contacts before someone will buy from you. People buy from people they like and trust. There is the relationship factor here. That is why it is imperative to have some type of follow up system in place like an autoresponder. Follow up. This is self-explanatory. Customers need to be reminded that you are great and also what it is you offer. A lot of sales are lost because someone didn't follow up. People get busy and they forget. People are bombarded with marketing messages galore. Repetition is key.
2.Be Consistent. Decide who it is you are in business and what you stand for and stick with it. Don't sell t-shirts today and tools tomorrow. This just won't work and people won't buy from you. That is why niches are such goldmines. Niches force you to focus on one key area and then possibly move on to another.
3.Know your target market. It is essential to know who it is you are selling to and their buying behavior. It is no longer okay to just determine their age, sex, occupation. Now in order to remain competitive you have to research where and how they live, what they read, associations they are apart of, income and geography.
4.Listen to your customers. It is nothing worse than finding your target market and asking them what they need and then giving them what you want them to have. This is a total waste of money. Give your customers what they want. Believe it or not customers don't always buy what they need but they usually always buy what they want.
5.Ask for feedback. If you need to know more about your target market then just ask. Use polls on your website, surveys, interviews as well as focus groups. A trend I've noticed lately is surveys by email through your opt-in list. Make sure you tell your customers why you need the information.
6.Test! Test! Test! This is the first law of Advertising . If you are not testing your advertising then you might as well as be putting your hard earned money down your garbage deposal and then shredding it. Yes, it is money gone down the drain.
7.Know Your USP. This is crucial. WIIFM is a question that should be on all of your marketing medium. Your USP should be unique, compelling and motivates the individual to take action now.
8.Never Stop Learning. While this is not easy to do especially for seasoned professionals, things are constantly changing and you have to be prepared to change with them. Continuous Learning gives you an advantage over those who refuse to learn anything new either through reading or attending seminars and the list goes on and on.
9.Relationships are crucial. We have to put the necessary time into building solid relationships. Without relationships customers will leave you high and dry over price or something very minor. Where there is a relationship there is trust, effective communication and respect. Make the Time to build relationships through networking, luncheon, meetings and whatever else it takes to seal the relationships. Be willing to give up something before you get anything in return.
10. Over deliver and Under promise. Do more than is expected. You will be known for the value you bring. Don't make your claim or USP too over the top. People will expect you to do what you promise no matter what. You won't get a second chance. If you mess up it will spread like wild fires. They won't forget it.
2.Be Consistent. Decide who it is you are in business and what you stand for and stick with it. Don't sell t-shirts today and tools tomorrow. This just won't work and people won't buy from you. That is why niches are such goldmines. Niches force you to focus on one key area and then possibly move on to another.
3.Know your target market. It is essential to know who it is you are selling to and their buying behavior. It is no longer okay to just determine their age, sex, occupation. Now in order to remain competitive you have to research where and how they live, what they read, associations they are apart of, income and geography.
4.Listen to your customers. It is nothing worse than finding your target market and asking them what they need and then giving them what you want them to have. This is a total waste of money. Give your customers what they want. Believe it or not customers don't always buy what they need but they usually always buy what they want.
5.Ask for feedback. If you need to know more about your target market then just ask. Use polls on your website, surveys, interviews as well as focus groups. A trend I've noticed lately is surveys by email through your opt-in list. Make sure you tell your customers why you need the information.
6.Test! Test! Test! This is the first law of Advertising . If you are not testing your advertising then you might as well as be putting your hard earned money down your garbage deposal and then shredding it. Yes, it is money gone down the drain.
7.Know Your USP. This is crucial. WIIFM is a question that should be on all of your marketing medium. Your USP should be unique, compelling and motivates the individual to take action now.
8.Never Stop Learning. While this is not easy to do especially for seasoned professionals, things are constantly changing and you have to be prepared to change with them. Continuous Learning gives you an advantage over those who refuse to learn anything new either through reading or attending seminars and the list goes on and on.
9.Relationships are crucial. We have to put the necessary time into building solid relationships. Without relationships customers will leave you high and dry over price or something very minor. Where there is a relationship there is trust, effective communication and respect. Make the Time to build relationships through networking, luncheon, meetings and whatever else it takes to seal the relationships. Be willing to give up something before you get anything in return.
10. Over deliver and Under promise. Do more than is expected. You will be known for the value you bring. Don't make your claim or USP too over the top. People will expect you to do what you promise no matter what. You won't get a second chance. If you mess up it will spread like wild fires. They won't forget it.
Related Tags: marketing advice, marketing ideas, marketing tips, marketing articles, marketing help
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