5 Guaranteed Tips That Will Get You Motivated In An Instant

by Shawn Lim - Date: 2010-08-19 - Word Count: 360 Share This!

Do you want to learn how you can get motivated immediately? If you do, this will be the right place for you. In this article, you are going to discover 5 guaranteed tips that will get you motivated to do what you need to get done in an instant. Are you ready to discover them?

1. Use the technique of visualization. Think imagine about all the rewards and outcomes that you are going to get from doing the task. When you think about all the rewards such as making big money, driving your dream car and having your friends to envy you, you will turn yourself on.

2. Listen to songs or music that will turn you on. Have you ever heard some music or songs that will motivate you? This is a simple but powerful technique that you can use to motivate yourself. Whenever you are in low state, listen to those music or songs that will get you motivated again. It works and it works wonderfully if you choose the right song.

3. Use positive self-talk or affirmation. This is another simple but powerful technique that you can apply. Most people find this technique not working for them because they are not applying it in the correct way. You need to anchor and associate emotion together with your affirmation. Without emotion, keep telling yourself that you are motivated will not work.

4. Use the reward and punishment system to pressure yourself. Whenever you are not doing the task or putting things off, punish yourself with late sleep, no movies or no games until you get the task done. On the other hand, reward yourself if you take the necessary action and get things done.

5. Do it now without giving yourself any time to think about it. The key is to get started right away so that you will create the momentum that will get you moving. Whenever you have started, you will feel easy to keep on going. Thus, the key is to get started. Just like if you hate to write article, just do it for 10 minutes and you will keep on going without stopping until the task is done.

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