Physically Challenged - Using a Mobility Scooter and a Scooter Lift

by Amelie Mag - Date: 2007-01-14 - Word Count: 597 Share This!

One of the best inventions in the medical field that helped both the elderly and the handicapped is the mobility scooter. The world of wheelchairs was revolutionized by the mobility scooter and people started to look for recognized brand names, which also offered back up service including spare parts.

People with a handicap or elderly persons were able to get around almost as much as active healthy people and that really boosted their self-esteem. The fact that they were no longer depending on someone else to perform daily duties was a big step forward.

Technological advances regarding scooters and especially the mobility scooter has led to many more options available. In the past, a lot of people disliked the idea of a mobility scooter because of the low-life of the battery. Nowadays, batteries have improved and they allow much longer periods of driving without the need for a recharge.

More and more people started to purchase a mobility scooter in order to lead a more comfortable and independent existence. Considered a primary method to get around, they are perfect for people with limited or no body mobility. They come in all shapes and sizes, not to mention the multitude of additional features. When it comes to buying a mobility scooter, one must also take into account the comfort, the available versions (foldable/utility) and the speed.

Experts recommend taking a test drive before buying a mobility scooter. The number of wheels is also important. A three-wheel mobility scooter is lighter in weight and more maneuverable, not to mention it offers more leg room. On the other hand, the four-wheel model is heavier but better balanced.

Essential things to consider when looking for mobility scooters are: color, size, weight, number of wheels, battery capacity and types of seats. An electric scooter can be one of the best purchases ever made for the handicapped, disabled or elderly. It is very important to choose the right one depending on what you intend to use it for. You might want to search for a scooter capable of top speed, equipped with a speed control switch, with lights, traffic signal indicators and warning signals. Other types include scooters that can be driven only on pavements and minor roads.

The incredible capacity to adapt to difficult circumstances has led to wonderful inventions, particular beneficial to individuals with mobility problems. Besides from the mobility scooter, people looked to further increase the ability to move and thus to increase the quality of life for physically challenged people.

The scooter lift was considered a total innovation on the market which had the capacity to bring the individual a step closer to a healthy, active life. This piece of equipment allowed one to lift the power mobility device on the floor of a vehicle with total ease. Many people bought a scooter lift because of its many advantages. The space optimization feature is a plus given the fact the scooter lift can be disassembled part by part and easily stored.

Affordable and lightweight, the scooter lift gained its popularity quickly. More and more people choose to buy a scooter lift and benefited greatly from having one purchased. Most models can be used with mobility scooter or power chairs and are weather resistant.

The most attractive feature of a scooter lift is the possibility to transport the electric scooter or the power chair on the outside of the vehicle. Available in various forms and equipped with different features, the scooter lift is easy to maintain and clean. Also, the scooter lift is quite easy to use no matter if it is hardwired or battery-operated.

Related Tags: wheelchairs, medical field, mobility scooter, scooter lift, spare parts, low life of the battery, weather resistant

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