Resourcemfg Solves Welder Shortage
ResourceMFG, a manufacturing support organization, and Welder Testing Inc., have formed a partnership to help manufacturing companies get the skilled employees they need, including welders. The partnership was developed to offer job-specific training to welders that enable the welder to upgrade his or her skills and qualify for open positions with manufacturers in the Houston area. Client specific training programs are also made available as an option for companies who need welders trained in their processes and specific welding procedures.
Manufacturing Journalist Thomas R. Cutler profiled the role of ResourceMFG in supplying welders in the current issue of The entire article can be read at
"This partnership combines ResourceMFG's expertise in recruiting and WTI's expertise in qualifying and training welders. This will offer manufacturers another option when it comes to hiring qualified welders," noted Drew Rathburn of ResourceMFG. Manufacturers provide a qualified weld procedure and candidates apply, interview and weld test for multiple opportunities, all in one stop. Clients do not spend their time and resources on continually testing applicants at their facility.
According to John Johnston of ResourceMFG, "Our recruiters were finding experienced welders, but they might take a weld test in a process they were not familiar with at their previous job and fail the weld test. Sending a welder to our clients that produced a failing result was not acceptable anymore. Clients and candidates were becoming frustrated by this process. We had to find a way to improve our service and offer training to good candidates that just need some skills training in order to succeed at a new job."
About ResourceMFG:
ResourceMFG is the nation's leading manufacturing support organization. It focuses on the demands of the manufacturing sector to serve the needs of employees and customers. The company has immersed themselves in the manufacturing community and has close relationships with support organizations such as The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and The American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS).
ResourceMFG is involved with the total spectrum of manufacturing positions including production, quality, maintenance, supervision, and all levels of management. The company serves a wide variety of industry segments that include automotive, electronic, machining, sheet metal, fabrication, and many other specialized producers.
The foundation of ResourceMFG is a commitment to understanding the specialized needs of clients, employees, and the community, which provide the foundation for success. Like the manufacturers they represent there is a philosophy of continuous improvement. ResourceMFG is dedicated to improving programs, processes, training and people to meet the diverse needs of the US manufacturing sector. A benchmark of the organization is on time delivery. The company understands manufacturing professionals and provides excellent programs and productive employees. ResourceMFG delivers the right person with the right skills at the right time.
Manufacturing is the sole focus of ResourceMFG allowing a better manufacturing workforce. ResourceMFG understands that it takes good people to get good results. Experienced manufacturing professionals know how to find the talent needed to deliver results for manufacturing businesses. ResourceMFG has been nationally recognized for having workforce management initiatives that impact the bottom line. In 2006 ResourceMFG won the Optimas award for "Financial Impact." This value allows the company to provide award winning workforce management capabilities and processes that produce better results. The key to delivering better manufacturing employees lies in the fact that it is all that ResourceMFG does. With superior screening, OSHA outreach programs and ongoing safety training, ResourceMFG delivers the kind of workers needed for every manufacturing facility.
Related Tags: human resources, staffing, manufacturing staffing, manufacturing hr, manufacturing human resources, industrial placement, industrial hr
Name: Preston W. Blevins, CFPIM, CIRM
Title: Business Development
Phone: 866-702-2824 Ext 240
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