The Green Spirit Of Emeralds

by Eric Hartwell - Date: 2007-04-04 - Word Count: 260 Share This!

The green color of emeralds is often associated with nature, beauty, and love. They are a source of comfort and pleasure and an excellent companion to any jewelry collection. This is because of the green color which relaxes the eyes and rejuvenates the spirit. Emeralds charm all those that look at them.

However, it should be noted that not every single emerald is of high quality because emeralds of premium quality are quite rare and very expensive. High quality emeralds are usually of a pale green color, a flawless texture, and an even color. On the other hand though, because emeralds of a lesser quality contain a darker color, some people prefer these kinds of emeralds compared to the paler ones. In fact, some poets think that the different imperfections of the emerald, called inclusions, give the emerald the identity that finer emeralds lack. Logically though, emeralds are formed through the turbulent whims of nature and therefore, most of the emeralds contain one form of inclusion or another.

There are some countries that are noted for producing finer quality emeralds though. Colombia is a country noted for the high quality emerald because of its climate and geographical conditions. But other countries can also produce high quality emeralds, albeit to a lesser extent. Zambia, for example, is especially known for the beautiful green emeralds it produces which have a darker tone compared to Colombian emeralds which have a bluish tone. Emeralds can be formed into various cuts so this gemstone is a good choice as an accessory or even as a wedding ring.

Related Tags: jewelry, jewellery, jewels, gemstones, gem, emerald

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