No Compromise With Your Pleasure, Have Your Own Car

by Joanne Clive - Date: 2007-01-20 - Word Count: 352 Share This!

On a fine morning, you get up to see the sun shining brightly in the sky, leaving the world bathed in its golden light. The blue sky meeting the sea in the horizon, birds chirping in the bushes and sweet breeze blowing all around make the atmosphere a completely romantic one. You feel fresh and want to enjoy the day to the fullest. Several ideas come to your mind but you leave them unanswered, as none of them seems to suit the tone of the day.

The idea that strikes your mind repeatedly and seems perfect is to take your beloved for a long drive. But alas! You cannot do so as you have no car of your own. Thus you miss the pleasure of the day that otherwise could have been a precious possession, worthy enough to be preserved in the museum of your memory. There are several other occasions on which you feel that a car could add a lot to the delight of the moment. But your tight budget does not allow you to spare enough cash to buy a set of wheels of your own. Well, a car loan can bring an end to the compromise you make with your pleasure.

A car loan can be availed by you, if you are a homeowner or a tenant. If you are a homeowner, you have both secured and unsecured types of car loan open to you. You can make your pick according to your requirement. For the secured loan option, you have to offer your home (or any asset of value) as collateral. If you are a tenant, you have to be satisfied with the unsecured one. This loan does not require any collateral.

You may be informed of other types of car financing options. But car loans remain head and shoulders above all the other options. Here, you will have flexible terms and conditions that will include low interest rate, small repayment installments, an extended repayment term etc. Danger of hidden charges is also not there in car loan. You have absolute freedom to shop around to avail the best deal.

Related Tags: unsecured car loans, car loans, secured car loan, personal car loans, bad credit car loan

About The Author: The author is a business writer specializing in finance and credit products and has written authoritative articles on the finance industry. He has done his masters in business administration and is currently assisting Loans-bazaar as a finance specialist.

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