Blackberry Pearl 8100: It's Worth It!

by Adam Jaylin - Date: 2007-05-15 - Word Count: 268 Share This!

One of the first smartphones from Research in Motion, Blackberry pearl 8100 plays music and display videos. In comparison to other Blackberry devices, this one seems tiny enough. Currently available with very few carriers, Blackberry pearl 8100 is expected to reign the market in the time to come.

Instead of a D-pad, which is a standard with all wireless and smartphones, Blackberry Pearl 8100 boasts of a trackball, used to select things on the bright and lucid screen of the handset. The SureType system used in the handset, instead of a regular QWERTY keyboard might pose a little problem for the smartphone users. Here, each key has to do double- or even triple-duty.

The Blackberry pearl 8100 is different from all the other Blackberry handsets as it can play audio and video. The audio quality is decent and the visuals are good enough. The 1.3 megapixel camera in the handset is not exceptional, but comes in handy when you need to freeze special moments of your life. The built-in flash, though not too bright, is another conspicuous feature of this handset and is a rarity in handsets.

The push e-mail facility in this Blackberry handset is a useful feature for the professionals, enabling you to instantly receive mails on your handset as soon as they arrive in the server. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Acrobat documents that come in as e-mail attachments can also be viewed via Blackberry Pearl 8100.

This handset has been able to fulfill in the various lacunas that have existed in all other Blackberry devices. It s a decent enough smartphone and is definitely worth a try.

Related Tags: mobile phones, blackberry pearl 8100, blackberry 8100, blackberry mobile phone

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