How Metal Toxicity Can Cause Candida Yeast Infection

by Jean Noland - Date: 2007-06-28 - Word Count: 321 Share This!

Are you aware that many of our medicines, food, and even dental fillings contain harmful chemicals and toxic metals? These toxins are very hard for our body to eliminate which results in a horrible cycle that creates a variety of symptoms and health problems including yeast infection, also known as Candida Albicans Overgrowth.

Eighty percent of people with Candida yeast infections tested by health practitioners were found to have elevated levels of mercury in their systems. This number may be a bit startling until you consider the many places we are exposed to mercury. Power plants and garbage incinerators end huge amounts of mercury into the air for us to breath. The lakes and seas have elevated levels of mercury from these processes as well. So not only do we ingest mercury from the air but it's also in the fish we eat.

Did you know many of the vaccines we take have mercury in them? One study found that for every flu shot you receive, your chance of developing Alzheimer's Disease is 10% higher. Flu shots contain mercury.

The build up in our body of these chemicals and toxins can lead to hormone imbalance, genetic changes, immune system failure, slow healing, skin problems, allergies and even nerve and brain damage.

They cause an acidic environment in our bodies that helps yeast to overgrow.

The problem of yeast overgrowth and infection occurs when our intestine has too much toxic metals so it creates extra mucus to block the metals from being absorbed into our blood stream. This mucus hampers oxygen and promotes bacteria and fungus like Candida to grow out of control. Additionally, yeast binds to heavy metals and grows as the body is attempting to eliminate and protect itself from metal poisoning.

Deep metal detox combined with slow removal of metal dental fillings (replacing with white filings) is the most important and fundamental steps in eliminating Candida yeast infection getting your digestive system back in balance.

Related Tags: yeast infection, candida infection, cure yeast infection, cure candida, natural cure for candida

This article is based on, "Yeast Infection No More" by Linda Allen. Linda is an author, researcher and nutritionist who created the holistic yeast infection solution guaranteed to permanently cure Candida. Visit her website: Your Article Search Directory : Find in Articles

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