Curing Common Foot Fungal Infection The Natural Way

by Low Jeremy - Date: 2007-04-08 - Word Count: 757 Share This!

You do not need to be an athlete to get athlete's foot. Also known as Tinea Pedis, athlete's foot is a fungus infection caused by a type of fungus known as dermatophytes. They breed and multiply in warm and damp places of which the feet can provide as an ideal environment. Dermatophytes also live off your dead skin cells which really make your feet the best area for them to thrive.

An athlete's foot infection is characterized by dry and scaly skin on the sides of the foot and can become itchy. Cuts and blisters may also develop which break the skin and leaves small raw skin areas exposed that can become painful. Such conditions usually occur right between the toes and can really become a very nagging problem.

Treating athlete's foot may require using topical or oral preparations to keep the fungus infection in check. There are also natural cures that you can make use to get rid of athlete's foot. One is by making use of a number of herbal therapies which has proven effective in treating athlete's foot.

One such method is the Ayurvedic therapy. Such a therapy aims to eliminate toxins in the body and increase immunity as well as soothe the senses by using a variety of herbal preparations. Although Ayurvedic therapy may employ spiritual methods as part of the treatment, nevertheless it has proven itself to help get rid of athlete's foot among other diseases believed to be caused by the disharmony and imbalance of different forces inside the body.

The ayurvedic remedy aims to lessen the tendency of your feet to perspire. Your perspiration can provide the dampness where the fungus may thrive on your foot. A way to make your feet perspire less can help reduce your chance of infection. The ayurvedic remedy does this by initially cleaning your foot area with about four to ten drops of tea tree oil.

A mixture of aloe vera gel with tumeric is also applied to the feet every morning and evening. This is done for two weeks after which, with some evident signs of improvement, the therapy is continued for another week.

There are also other natural remedies available to get rid of athlete's foot. Some ingredients easily found in the kitchen can help in trying to stop the fungus infection from getting worse. Garlic for one is seen as a good fungicide that can kill of the fungus causing the infection. Applying crushed garlic on your feet regularly may be able to help cure you from athlete's foot.

Since Athlete's Foot start out with rashes or skin redness it is but normal to have a dermatologists check the irregularities in skin condition and usually the dermatologists are able to identify Athlete's Foot and suggest cures for the existing condition.

Dermatologists can say if you have Athlete's Foot but if you want a feet specialist then check out your directory for the best podiatrist you can find in your area. A podiatrist can better give an assessment because that is his area of expertise.

Usually a mere look at the feet is enough to tell if the condition you have is Athlete's Foot or not but at certain times there is a need to take out a piece of the affected area for examination. The procedure does not hurt because the feet have thick skin so one does not have to worry and anyway its for an even more accurate examination.

Prescription of anti-fugal medication that can be applied topically on the affected area or oral medicines to be taken in are the first steps taken when Athlete's Foot occurs. There can be specific treatment plans depending on the gravity of the situation.

This plan can be shortened or extended depending on the results. The dosage of the original prescription may also be adjusted. Now if the cause is not fungus but bacteria then the best cure is antibiotics such as penicillin. Penicillin kills most kinds of bacteria.

The most important thing to do is to go see your doctor as soon as possible because an Athlete's Foot that is not treated can spread to other parts of the body and other people that may have come in contact with the affected area.

A worsened case of Athlete's Foot can be detrimental to the victim's daily activities and to his or her surroundings so immediate attention and care should be given. As for preventive measures, just practice cleanliness in all that you do and you are one step ahead in stopping the spread of fungus and bacteria.

Related Tags: athletes foot treatment, athletes foot cures, fungal infection treatment

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