Indonesian Teak Wood Home Furniture - The Keys to Success Are Reliable Partners

by Ten - Date: 2007-04-30 - Word Count: 496 Share This!

Nowadays teak wood is commonly used Indonesia to make doors, door & window frames, furniture, floors & floor tiles, supporting and decorative columns, and heavy beams in houses, temples and bridges. It is claimed that in Southeast Asia you can find structural beams which are over 1,000 years old and still functional. Teak is also used extensively in the construction of modern luxury cruisers, yachts and sailboats, and it is prized by boat owners for it's beauty and durability.

In Burma the law says that a teak wood tree must be 90 years old before it is permitted to cut it down. Violators of this rule will be fined heavily and even imprisoned. That means the teak wood tree in Myanmar is naturally grown and so high that the stem at the bottom measures several meters. Whole furniture pieces can be made out of one single wood piece, which makes the teak wood and furniture from Myanmar the highest priced in the world.

In Indonesia, one of the largest teak furniture suppliers in the world, teak has been used for centuries in the shipbuilding industry, especially by the Dutch. It was a standard material in the construction of the tall ships and clippers that sailed the world's oceans in these days. Many benches in English parks and gardens were constructed of the wood salvaged from these sailing ships when they were dismantled - some are over 100 years old and still holding up very well.

In Java (mainly in and around the city of Jepara) lies the actual heart of Indonesia's teak furniture production. Teak is the most important commercial tree species here, and there are 0.6 million ha of production plantations. The Indonesian Forest Authority regulates and limits the cutback of the teak wood trees. The trees are planted in Java by Perum Perhutani, a state forest enterprise which is responsible for the management of teak. Depending on the location of the plantation, the teak wood trees have to be 30-40 years old, before they are allowed to be cut.

It is not an easy task to find teak factories in Java manufacturing first class teak products of only best and highest quality, considering the amount of all factories there (which are said to count more than 20.000). But once found, buyers of teak furniture will get a warm welcome; they'll look at friendly craftsmen faces, and smiling owners of big operations being proud of what they've achieved in the past. Once the contact gets closer, seeing them on a regular basis, they open up and even invite you to their home for tea or dinner. In that way a smooth and year-long cooperation can be established, resulting in satisfied international buyers as well as satisfied Indonesian sellers.

Teak-Rustique and its partners certainly built up such a satisfying and reliable relation over the years, which truly guarantees highest quality as well as first class products. Check out for yourself the superior quality and workmanship indoor teak furniture products at

Related Tags: furniture, quality, home furniture, java, indonesia, furnishing, teak, indoor furniture, teak wood, indoor teak, good workmanship

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