Fat Loss Workout - 4 Fat Burning Techniques For a Great Fat Loss Workout

by Tom Gifford - Date: 2007-02-25 - Word Count: 555 Share This!

Having a great fat loss workout is absolutely essential for successful fat loss.

A great fat loss workout can add muscle mass, raise your metabolism, burn lots of calories, make your heart healthier, etc.

Unfortunately, when most people think about a fat loss workout, they automatically think that these are the best things to do:

-Cardio, cardio, and more cardio

-Lots of ab exercises

-Strength training machines AFTER doing a long period of time on a bike, treadmill, or elliptical

Does this sound like the way you think a proper fat loss workout should be?

If so, it is almost guaranteed that your fat loss efforts have been slow and frustrating.

This article will show you how a proper fat loss workout should look.

1. The Warmup

A warmup is key to any fat loss workout. Doing 5-10 mins on a cardio machine at a moderate intensity should do just fine.

2. Circuit Training

A proper fat loss workout will include strength training in a circuit style format. You will want to do a lot of multijoint exercises combined with working your core. Because this fat loss workout is circuit training, you will go from one exercise to the other without much rest in between.

This will keep you moving and will keep your heart rate up for the duration of your fat loss workout.

Here is a sample fat loss workout:

1. Pushups

2. Bodyweight squats

3. DB 1 arm row

4. Hamstring leg curls on a stability ball

5. Ab crunches on a stability ball

6. Overhead DB presses

7. Med ball squat, curl and press

If you do 10-15 reps of each exercise and rest for about 30 seconds in between, this fat loss workout will have your whole body working hard.

Building muscle the the key to a successful fat loss workout. The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn!

3. Interval Training

This is a type of cardio that alternates between high and low intensities. A great place to start is on a recumbent bike, but a treadmill or elliptical can work too. You can start off by going 2 minutes slow, then 1 minute fast. Repeat this 2-1 structure 3-6 times.

Interval training is a great addition to a fat loss workout because the high intensity aspect of it will help to raise your metabolism and burn lots of calories for the period of time after your workout is over!

Remember that your safety is the most important part of a fat loss workout. Check with a medical doctor before performing high intensity exercise.

4. Cool down

It is great to cool down for 5-10 minutes after a fat loss workout. A proper cool down is the same as a warmup (5-10 mins on a cardio machine). This helps your body to have an easier transition between hard exercise and rest.

In conclusion, you have learned what the structure of an effective fat loss workout looks like. If you do the above format 2-3 times per week and combine it with a great diet, you will be losing fat in no time!

Good luck, and remember that a proper fat loss workout will only work if you make good food choices!

Check out the links below for more great information on how to have a great Fat Loss Workout

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Related Tags: fat loss workout, fat loss exercise, fat loss program, body fat loss

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Tom Gifford is the author of The Fat Loss Zone, which is a site dedicated to providing the most cutting edge fat loss information around.

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