How To Use Hypnotic Alien Technology To Amplify What Your Brain Can Do

by Adam Eason - Date: 2007-01-22 - Word Count: 1426 Share This!

We watched a couple of old episodes of the X-Files this weekend. One episode included aliens who could make themselves feel any emotion or sensation due to certain thoughts they had. This enabled them to seem more human (in the eyes of other humans) and harder to detect from the destructive life-forms that they were in reality, and causing the usual amount of mayhem for Agents Mulder and Scully.

"Wouldn't it be great if you could do that in real life..." Was one comment that worked its way into the conversation.

"Well, you actually can do that... I'll show you how if you like." Was my reply and so here is my instruction on how to go about being able to use your brain to deliver and amplify any emotion within yourself.

I recommend you learn how to do it because it makes you feel truly wonderful more of the time. Let's learn how to go inside our brains, tune into our bodies and really turn the dial up on any feeling we want to have more often, shall we? Just follow these 6 simple steps.

Step One: Choose what feelings you would like to instruct your brain and body to experience and amplify in the coming moments - for example, it could be your confidence, your self-esteem, your motivation, your metabolism, your energy levels, your determination, your mental calmness or whatever else you choose. What would you like some more of right now?

Having found a comfortable place to relax and having decided upon the sensation that you want more of, make sure that you are going to be free from interruptions and spend a few quiet moments tuning into your breathing. Allow each breath that you breathe to relax you and imagine your muscles relaxing, melting, softening and get comfortable with the experience of stillness.

So, in a moment you are going to take a journey inside of your body, a journey to tune in to your body so that you can send the right message from your brain to your body to experience more of your desired sensation. Almost as if you are experiencing your body on a cellular level. The idea is that you can communicate with the cells in your body, to create an optimum, amplified condition for communication within you and a more fertile environment for growing fabulous sensations!

Now make sure that you close your eyes and imagine reaching inside of yourself and tuning in to your mind in this moment.

Step Two: Being relaxed and engaged in the moment, place all of your attention and focus onto the central area of your forehead, right on the centre of your forehead, that place that is often referred to as your third eye, or your mind's eye. Zone in on that area.

Now, imagine that your eyes actually roll up and look at the inside of your forehead and locate that spot that is your third eye, your inner eye, your minds eye or whatever you wish to refer to it as. Just imagine your eyes rolling up, they do not actually have to do so, it can sometimes be uncomfortable to do so.

Heighten your awareness of that spot in the middle of your forehead, become aware of it's qualities; notice the colour, the light, even the temperature of that area.

Step Three: Now here comes the clever bit - allow that awareness to now move from that spot right behind your forehead, and let it float down inside of your head; inside of your brain.

Just move your awareness; focus and imagine that you can actually move it right around to the place in the back of your head, right around the back of your brain, where the top of your spine begins. This is that area where all of the communication, all of the information is sent from the thoughts that you think down into your body, for your body to experience what you communicated. Keep your awareness there for a moment on that place right at the brain stem.

Chemicals are sent from here from your hypothalamus, hormones travel, a flow of blood moves from here, electrical impulses are sent, this is where your thoughts get communicated from your brain and then throughout the body - this is a wonderful part of you to behold... so much life is here... your life!

Let yourself really tune in and imagine this more vividly, let yourself feel what it's like to be inside of your body, notice the sounds, the sensations, the sights in this area of your body from all that activity.

Step Four: Before we begin to orchestrate what we want from here, enjoy some exploration! That's right, journey through your entire body, experience your physiology and journey into lots of your organs. Move your awareness into your heart, stomach and lungs. Then go to anywhere else to make sure that you tune into and experience your physical self in this intimate way.

Step Five: When you are sure that you have really tuned in to your physical self and become aware of your physical being, bring your awareness all the way back up to the top of your spine, back to the place where your brain stem is, where all the information flows from your brain down into your body.

Know that it is right here at this point that you can create whatever sensations that you desire. This is what we came here to do.

From this place you can go into your body to direct and command your cells to heal, to grow, to develop, to feel good and create sensations that are for your better good.

Now journey into your brain, into all the places in your brain that controls everything in your body. You have created a beautiful level of receptivity in you body right now. Your body is very open to sending messages and new information, communicating with all the cells in your body. Somewhere in your brain there is a place that controls your confidence, your self-esteem, your motivation, your metabolism, your determination or whatever else you chose in step one.

Go and discover that part of your brain that decides how you feel that sensation and experience that feeling in your body. Allow yourself to find that place in your brain. Where is the place that creates more of that desired sensation? Find out now. Use your imagination here; maybe there is a switch or a dial, whatever way is right for you, however it looks in your brain, find where that's located. Let yourself be drawn to the part of your brain where that is.

And when you find that part of your brain, notice that if you were to turn up the dial on your desired sensation or move the lever or slide the switch, in whatever way it happens or perhaps you simply change the colour of that area and it increases the relevant sensation, when you do that, you are actually sending the messages from your brain to your body to increase the sensation to feel more of that wonderful feeling that you wanted more of.

You are being the conductor of your very own orchestra within you. You are guiding your brain to deliver that glorious sensation!

Find what it is that increases the sensation that you want more of in your life... that sends the message to the cells that during the next few days and the next few weeks you're going to experience more of; turn it up to an optimum level.

Now don't just turn it up to any level, let your mind indicate where the most balanced, most optimum level is for your personal well-being. As you turn it up, notice what happens. Be aware of sensations, thoughts, and feelings, observe what happens within you.

Now really enjoy this, bask in this good feeling. Isn't it fabulous to be in control of your body, to decide the way that your body feels, the way that your cells react and communicate? You have this ability and now you know exactly what to do, whenever you want.

Step Six: Enjoy relaxing, enjoy the amplified, optimised feelings and then when you know your mind has soaked up enough of those good feelings, you can open your eyes and go about your life knowing that you have just given yourself a nice big shot of well-being in the form of that sensation.

Also know and realise just how in control of your own brain and awareness you are. Then let your mind and body begin to deliver more of that beneficial feeling, more of that useful sensation over the coming days and weeks.

Related Tags: technology, brain, hypnosis, self-improvement, alien, self-hypnosis, hypnotic, adam eason

Adam is a best selling author, consultant and speaker please visit his website for a vast range of personal development resources and to receive your free, instantly downloadable hypnosis session and amazing ebook: Thanks.

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