Is The Bible The Word Of God
- Date: 2010-09-29 - Word Count: 568
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Have you ever wondered if the bible really is the word of God? There are so many religious activities and books out there, all claiming to be the real thing and the word of God to the point that some people are even wondering if God really exists. Truly, where there is a fake, there is a genuine one. This article is to prove to you that the bible is the word of God
Proofs that the Holy Bible is the word of God
1. Preservation (length test)
The books of Moses were written over 3,000 years ago. The book of Revelation (the last book in the New Testament) was written over 1,700 years ago. The first print of the bible was in the 15th century by a German John Gutenburg. He produced the first 300 Gutenburg Bibles in the year 1455 Ad. Certainly God ensured this preservation for this length of period because the bible is His word and He wants generations after generations to have access to His words.
2. Sales/ Circulation
Over 200 copies are printed per minute in an 8-hour working day. It has sales of over 80,000 copies per day. Bestselling book you will agree with me!
3. Translations/Appeal
Shakespeare has been translated to over 40 languages. John Bunyan's Pilgrims Progress has been translated into over 100 languages. The bible has been translated into over 2000 languages! In over 300 such cases new written alphabets were created. Why would people want the bible in their own language if the bible is not the word of God?
4. Uniformity
The complete bible was written over a period of 1400 years by about 40 different authors and yet there is uniformity and singleness of purpose from Genesis to revelations. This shows that it is our God speaking through them, not contradicting Himself at all.
5. Fulfilled Prophesies
About 25% of the bible contains Prophesies. According to the law of compound probability, for every detail introduced into a prophecy, the chances of its fulfilment is reduced by 50%. But every bible prophecy that ought to have been fulfilled has been fulfilled. Surely God is watching over His words to fulfil them.
6. Transformed lives
Bible characters like Saul of Tarsus, Simon Peter, all became transformed people by the word of God. Reformers like Martin Luther, John Wesley, and Spurgeon were revolutionized by the Holy scriptures. Inventions and inventors like Michael Faraday, R.G. Le Tourneau, Benjamin Franklin, etc., were inspired by the Bible scriptures. God is the one that transforms lives. Therefore, since these people were transformed by the Holy Bible, then it is the word of God.
7. Personal Experience
I am a proof that the bible is the word of God. My life is transformed. I have peace that money can never buy. The word of God guides me and I have never failed following the Bible scriptures. And I have a strong witness within me by the Holy Spirit that there is a God in heaven and the bible scriptures are His words. You may be the next proof.
Many people are fighting with the inner conviction that the Bible is God's word. There is no other book that can be compared with the Bible. Attempts have been made severally in the past to make the bible become extinct but they all failed. Considering the facts I have given, the bible is the word of God and as long as the world exists, the bible will always be there.
Proofs that the Holy Bible is the word of God
1. Preservation (length test)
The books of Moses were written over 3,000 years ago. The book of Revelation (the last book in the New Testament) was written over 1,700 years ago. The first print of the bible was in the 15th century by a German John Gutenburg. He produced the first 300 Gutenburg Bibles in the year 1455 Ad. Certainly God ensured this preservation for this length of period because the bible is His word and He wants generations after generations to have access to His words.
2. Sales/ Circulation
Over 200 copies are printed per minute in an 8-hour working day. It has sales of over 80,000 copies per day. Bestselling book you will agree with me!
3. Translations/Appeal
Shakespeare has been translated to over 40 languages. John Bunyan's Pilgrims Progress has been translated into over 100 languages. The bible has been translated into over 2000 languages! In over 300 such cases new written alphabets were created. Why would people want the bible in their own language if the bible is not the word of God?
4. Uniformity
The complete bible was written over a period of 1400 years by about 40 different authors and yet there is uniformity and singleness of purpose from Genesis to revelations. This shows that it is our God speaking through them, not contradicting Himself at all.
5. Fulfilled Prophesies
About 25% of the bible contains Prophesies. According to the law of compound probability, for every detail introduced into a prophecy, the chances of its fulfilment is reduced by 50%. But every bible prophecy that ought to have been fulfilled has been fulfilled. Surely God is watching over His words to fulfil them.
6. Transformed lives
Bible characters like Saul of Tarsus, Simon Peter, all became transformed people by the word of God. Reformers like Martin Luther, John Wesley, and Spurgeon were revolutionized by the Holy scriptures. Inventions and inventors like Michael Faraday, R.G. Le Tourneau, Benjamin Franklin, etc., were inspired by the Bible scriptures. God is the one that transforms lives. Therefore, since these people were transformed by the Holy Bible, then it is the word of God.
7. Personal Experience
I am a proof that the bible is the word of God. My life is transformed. I have peace that money can never buy. The word of God guides me and I have never failed following the Bible scriptures. And I have a strong witness within me by the Holy Spirit that there is a God in heaven and the bible scriptures are His words. You may be the next proof.
Many people are fighting with the inner conviction that the Bible is God's word. There is no other book that can be compared with the Bible. Attempts have been made severally in the past to make the bible become extinct but they all failed. Considering the facts I have given, the bible is the word of God and as long as the world exists, the bible will always be there.
Related Tags: bible, word of god, holy bible, bible scriptures, transformed people, bible become extinct, lives bible characters, became transformed people
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