How You Can Afford A Drug Treatment Center
- Date: 2010-05-13 - Word Count: 551
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Enrollment in a drug treatment center can indeed be a costly affair. The state-run clinics are cheaper, but they are overcrowded, and getting timely treatment might not be possible there. The cost of total treatment at a private residential clinic can be about $30,000. However, even this amount is a moderate estimate, and there is virtually no upper limit on the treatment cost in more expensive clinics. You can expect about $5,000 annual expenditure in outpatient clinics, which is also quite out of the reach of many patients.
The first thing you must check before admitting yourself in a drug treatment center is whether you have health insurance and the services of the clinic you want to avail yourself of are covered by your insurance provider. Many treatment centers accept all insurance providers, but many can be selective about the insurance and can accept a provider, such as Aetna, and reject Medicare or vice versa.
It pays to personally call all clinics in your locality and find out their rules and regulations about the insurance. Nowadays, you can get organized assistance, and there are agencies that might find out what the possible options for a particular insurance subscriber are.
There are many insurance plans that will cover the entire treatment cost. But they can fix the upper limit of expenditure, and you have to find a place that will fall within that range. They might also have co-payment structure, which means that there will be partial funding. So checking all terms and conditions of your insurance is of paramount importance.
The patients who do not have health insurance can apply for state funds. This is not a very complex procedure as the government has set up various funds to help addicts, especially those belonging to certain target groups. The drug treatment center of your choice might itself initiate such an arrangement so that they can accommodate you as a sponsored patient.
If neither option is applicable to you, you might think of self-financing. In this case, you can use your credit cards for getting an immediate loan, although the interest rate will be very high. You can also ask your family or friends to help you out financially. In many cases, it has been observed that the family members and friends of the patient have extended generous financial help because they want to see their loved one recover at any cost and are sympathetic when anybody genuinely wants to overcome his addiction.
It is important for the patient to remember that the cost of the treatment is always a secondary issue, and if the need arises, he should be prepared to spend as much money as he can to get rid of the addiction. This is because, among other things, drug addiction can slowly drain of all your assets and leave you completely broken. There are many real life instances like this, which, in turn, makes it crucial to avail the right treatment. The treatment might cost a lot but it will be profitable in the long run, financially and otherwise.
So if you are careful about certain factors, the funding might not be a serious issue. As a patient, your ultimate aim is to get the best treatment, and you need to do so even if it means stretching yourself financially for the time being.
The first thing you must check before admitting yourself in a drug treatment center is whether you have health insurance and the services of the clinic you want to avail yourself of are covered by your insurance provider. Many treatment centers accept all insurance providers, but many can be selective about the insurance and can accept a provider, such as Aetna, and reject Medicare or vice versa.
It pays to personally call all clinics in your locality and find out their rules and regulations about the insurance. Nowadays, you can get organized assistance, and there are agencies that might find out what the possible options for a particular insurance subscriber are.
There are many insurance plans that will cover the entire treatment cost. But they can fix the upper limit of expenditure, and you have to find a place that will fall within that range. They might also have co-payment structure, which means that there will be partial funding. So checking all terms and conditions of your insurance is of paramount importance.
The patients who do not have health insurance can apply for state funds. This is not a very complex procedure as the government has set up various funds to help addicts, especially those belonging to certain target groups. The drug treatment center of your choice might itself initiate such an arrangement so that they can accommodate you as a sponsored patient.
If neither option is applicable to you, you might think of self-financing. In this case, you can use your credit cards for getting an immediate loan, although the interest rate will be very high. You can also ask your family or friends to help you out financially. In many cases, it has been observed that the family members and friends of the patient have extended generous financial help because they want to see their loved one recover at any cost and are sympathetic when anybody genuinely wants to overcome his addiction.
It is important for the patient to remember that the cost of the treatment is always a secondary issue, and if the need arises, he should be prepared to spend as much money as he can to get rid of the addiction. This is because, among other things, drug addiction can slowly drain of all your assets and leave you completely broken. There are many real life instances like this, which, in turn, makes it crucial to avail the right treatment. The treatment might cost a lot but it will be profitable in the long run, financially and otherwise.
So if you are careful about certain factors, the funding might not be a serious issue. As a patient, your ultimate aim is to get the best treatment, and you need to do so even if it means stretching yourself financially for the time being.
Related Tags: alcoholism, alcohol treatment center, christian drug rehab, drug rehab center, alcohol rehab center, christian alcohol rehab, drug treatment center
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