Natural Cures For Vaginal Yeast Infections

by James Penn - Date: 2007-05-19 - Word Count: 403 Share This!

Many people feel more comfortable handling their own body and curing their own vaginal yeast infections on their own, without the use of over the counter medicine and instead by using natural remedies or remedies made from home. If you are one of those people, then rest assured that it is possible to use natural remedies to treat vaginal yeast infections or thrush and to great effect. It is also important to note that you can be allergic to any treatments whether they are natural or store brought. So be careful and seek the advice of your doctor beforehand!

Tea Tree Oil:

You can buy Tea Tree Oil from many supermarkets and natural products stores for a very affordable price, considering the fantastic affects it has. One-way of applying it is to apply a couple of drops to a tampon and inserting it into yourself. Although you will need to ensure that the tampon does not absorb all of the Tea Tree Oil. You can do this by putting your favourite lubricant on the tampon first. Although some people find that the Tea Tree Oil burns the outer area, so be careful, especially in this sensitive time.

Gentian Violet:

Gentian Violet has been used to treat vaginal yeast infections for many years and was used long before antibiotics. It is a highly effective vaginal yeast infection remedy and will be for many more years to come. It is used by swabbing over the vagina area. You need to do this a couple of times per day for a couple of days. You need to be careful because this very vivid purple Gentian Violet can stain almost anything.


In the last few years we have all started to recognise the amazing cleansing powers of cranberries. People who lived many years before us knew all about it, but we got obsessed with scientifically made products and forget about the wonderful uses and benefits of an ancient remedy, cranberry. Cranberries contain particles that lessen bacteria in your body. Which means they may be useful when treating vaginal yeast infections. You can drink it or alternatively if you don't like the taste, supplements are available.

Itch Relief:

If you are treating you vaginal yeast infection but need something to calm down the itching while your treatment works, it worthwhile trying an elm cream/paste. You can make this by mixing elm power with some water. You can also use aloe Vera juice.

Related Tags: yeast infection, vaginal yeast infection, cure yeast infection

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