Vitamin B12 Deficiency, Often Seen in Vegans, Causes Low Energy

by Karen Pijuan - Date: 2007-04-04 - Word Count: 507 Share This!

Vitamin B12 contains cobalt, and hence it's other name, cobalamin. Like all the B vitamins, it plays many key roles in the body. It is required for energy production and red blood cell formation, as well as for proper nervous system development and maintenance. B12 has been shown to improve memory and promote a healthy heart, as well as to prevent infertility in men. It also works as a natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic, and is involved in immune function.

New research shows success with B12 and managing cancer, especially in blocking the development of tumors. It also helps to relieve fatigue, depression and poor concentration. It is associated with lower levels of homocysteine in the blood, which has been shown to be good for lowering the risk of heart disease and perhaps also that of Alzheimer's.

B12 is also important in the production of myelin, the covering that insulates nerve fibers and keeps electrical impulses moving in your body.

Extra Vitamin B12 Requirements

Research shows that the elderly are often low in B12, either because of not getting enough in the diet or poor absorption. In fact, deficiencies are more likely to be associated with a failure to properly absorb B12, which can happen in the elderly as their digestion system functions less well. Long-term use of various drugs, including cholesterol-lowering drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs and oral contraceptives also seems to deplete body of Vitamin B12. This vitamin is largely supplied in animal foods, so vegetarians, especially vegans, often become deficient, although it does take a long time to deplete the B12 stores in the body.

Deficiency Symptoms of B12

Deficiency of B12 can result in pernicious anemia and various problems with your nervous system, such as memory loss, confusion, loss of balance, and more. Pernicious anemia is characterized by low energy levels, poor skin color, listlessness and being short of breath. Some other symptoms include heart palpitations, tinnitius, dizziness, poor resistance to infection and dementia . B12 deficiency has also been linked to multiple sclerosis-type symptoms, probably because of its function of helping to produce the myelin nerve sheaths. When B12 deficiency occurs over a long period of time, it can cause both nerve degeneration and irreversible neurological damage, so if you suspect a B12 deficiency, you want to have it checked right away.

Food Sources of Vitamin B12

B12 is found primarily in meat, eggs and dairy products. It can be found in seaweeds and algae, as well as in fermented soy products like miso, but studies have shown that the B12 in plant foods is just not a reliable source of B12. The best food sources of vitamin B12 are definitely all animal sources, which is why it is crucial that vegans supplement. Some of the best sources include seafood like cooked oysters, king crab, herring, salmon, and clams. It's also found in cheese, poultry, yogurt, eggs, organ meats and nutritional yeast. If you decide to supplement, we recommend only a natural B complex source, especially over the long term, so as to avoid other problems with B vitamin imbalances.

Related Tags: vitamins, vitamin, vitamin b12

Karen Pijuan is the owner of several health-related websites and has written numerous articles about healthy living, whole food supplements, natural weight loss and more. Find out more by visiting EcoViva or The Truth About Vitamins.

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