Overlooking Data Revenue Could Kill Your Current Campaign!

by Matt Goodman - Date: 2010-05-19 - Word Count: 151 Share This!

Most online marketers have access to data but many don't realize the true value in it. NOT monetizing this data on the back end can greatly affect a campaign or the companies' bottom line. Proper data monetization can bring a campaign to the next level. Reducing overall acquisition costs through monetizing the customer data you are generating is the name of the game. In this economy everyone is looking to maximize revenue, data you already have could be the answer!

What exactly is Offline Data Management? Many companies continue to utilize traditional direct mail and outbound telemarketing as a vehicle to procure new customers. These companies purchase lists that fit their particular demographic, in hopes of targeting their next customer. We can create this monetary bridge between your data and a matching offer. If you have access to data we need to talk about the potential revenue you are missing out on!

Related Tags: cpa, marketing campaign, epc, advertising revenue, campaign management, campaign epc

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