Using a Formal Tone For Your Business Writing

by Jane Sumerset - Date: 2010-07-05 - Word Count: 483 Share This!

Is formal tone really that important in business writing? Even if you have the same or different status in life, do you really still make your business writing in a formal tone?

Basically, formal tone in writing always shows professionalism and can adjust your writing style into any types of business writing and among different respective or professional people.

However, it is also important that you know when to be write in formal and informal tone.

The tone for most business writing is formal - and that is non-negotiable. While each company and industry's culture will be distinct, composing your business documents with an air of formality is always the safe bet.

Business communications must be in a formal manner and knowing when to be professionally communicate or to be friendly is also useful. You can even write in a friendly tone in a business writing only if you know who you are talking to.

However, to avoid any circumstances that may affect your credibility, it's best to make your business writing in a formal tone.

Sometimes, writing in a formal tone won't really hurt someone personally upon reading your work.

No one will be offended directly since the formal tone always make your conversation in a plain, direct and fair manner.

But if you are not that proficient enough to use the formal tone in business writing, then you should go ahead and learn how to do it.

It's not that simple if you are not used to it. Being professional enough is what you should always maintain in order to keep the formality in your writing.

Writing in a formal tone is not really that cold, it can also be in a friendly tone however, you should at least know when to do it and how to limit it.

Informal Writing

Of course, there will be situations in the workplace where casual might be better. Quick IMs and emails to coworkers to discuss unofficial items (such as inviting them for lunch) obviously works better with a relaxed tone. Be wary of casual correspondence when addressing superiors, though - job position does play a part on how "relaxed" you can get.

Keep It Reasonably Formal

There is a world of difference between being extremely formal and being reasonably formal. Most of the time, being too formal can make your writing sound stilted. Opt for a natural, but respectful tone, the way you would address the president of your organization in a dinner conversation.

Documentations (meant for records, rather than dissemination) are the one area where being strictly formal might be best. For instance, a business contract where less than strict formal language is used can lead to problems later down the line (such as when settling issues in arbitration).

Seek Help

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