The FBI of 1980s' and nowadays

by Nickrichardson544 - Date: 2007-08-22 - Word Count: 357 Share This!

The tear of 1978 was famous of Director Kelley leaving. At his place an official federal judge came. His name was William H. Webster.
International crimes have risen in 1980s, to more exactly in 1982. Then the numbers of global terrorist actions have made Mr. Webster to establish counterterrorism as a forth state priority.
The first three were: alien counterterrorism, planned and white-collar crimes. But in fact, a part of these increasing was established by the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime.
Also, it should be famous to everybody that 1980s were very popular because of criminal drug situation. It was like a challenge for Americans and its legislative power. One more problem they faced to was stock market crisis, concerning the lost of savings after which a lot of banks have become a zero. New task for the FBI was to find the reasons of this trouble.
A lot of years have passed, and the FBI had been described more widely for public than ever before. In September 4, 2001, earlier U.S. lawyer Robert S. Mueller, III was confirmed as a new FBI director, and he still stay on this position to nowadays.
On the other hand it was only within days of his being on this duty as FBI chief when the day of September 11 had come. The terrorist attacks were opened against New York and Washington. Mr. Mueller guided the FBI's enormous investigative attempts in cooperation with all U.S. powers, the federal government, and partners abroad as well as in October 26, 2001 President George W. Bush signed the U.S. Patriot Act, which settled new requirements to underline the threat of terrorist acts. Director Mueller as a result received on behalf of the Bureau responsibility for defending the American people against potential terrorist attacks.
In the beginning of the millennium, the FBI is called as an organization which really and evidently stands devoted to its principle morals, and it is their obligation to these morals and standards which guarantee that they can manage everything in successful and efficient way in order to complete their missions and obligation in the United States of America.

Related Tags: government, crime, law, terrorist, terrorism, bio, agency, investigation, fbi

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