Is Finishing your Book Your New Year's Resolution?

by Judy Cullins - Date: 2007-01-24 - Word Count: 607 Share This!

For some of you the reality is you won't finish. And the longer you "work" on your book, the more time gets between you and publishing time to make a difference in other people's lives. For 5% of you who will do what it takes, this reminder is for you.

Don't wait any longer to write your book. Now is the best time to get it out. When you ponder and linger, you lose interest, motivation and forward movement.. That's why I like the idea of the "Fast-Forward Writing Technique," that produces consistently well organized chapters that hook and motivate your reader in each paragraph.When your readers finish all of your chapters, they will recommend your book to others. But they won't turn pages unless you make each page of  your book engage them.

Remember the benefits of writing a book.

It gets your unique word out to help others to a better life. It brings solutions to your readers' challenges. It can "brand" your business-much stronger than a business card. It makes you known as the expert in your field. If writing fiction, it entertains and educates. Finally, like me, it can make half or more of your monthly income for life.

Remember you can add marketing pizzazz to each and every chapter in its title, its introduction, its side bars and tips, and its conclusion. Apply the "Essential Nine Hot-Selling Points"  before you finish and your book will sell so much better when published.

To manifest your book dream this year, make sure you make it real.

1. visualize your book  finished and a great success. See the checks and credit card orders coming in each day.

2. Save money in a special bank account so you'll have enough to get some coaching through teleseminars and writing groups.You'll want a small amount for about 100-200 copies printed. No need to spend $1000's on 2500 or 5000 books.

3. Know it will cost some money. If you book is so important, don't be too frugal as to what you invest in it to get it finished.

4. Honor High Level Activities each day. Spend real writing time on your chapters, your introduction and your back cover. Aim for 1-2 hours each day or divide to suit your schedule.

5. Stop writing without feedback from peers or a qualified bookcoach. You don't realize that even if you are a professional, you don't know all that makes a chapter sizzle. Old writing habits such as using "is, was" or other passives mar your style, and make it long and unwieldy so your reader will yawn and turn away. You need  to keep your reader engaged on each page.

6. Don't give up. Your project may take some time. I recommend writing a short book first so you can finish fast.

7. Consider self-publishing because the traditional path takes far too long and even if you are chosen, you'll find the time and energy you put there will not pay off nearly as much as when you learn a few promotion tips to  implement yourself.  The sad truth is that the publishers won't give you much promotion.

8. Write your print and eBook at the same time. Service your online audience as well as the audience at your talks. They love and buy books. They want information on all kinds of topics. They have money to spend. Promoting to this audience is far easier, cheaper and productive than other methods.

Finally, put your book project in the top priorities of your life. Business, Family, Friends, Book! If you don't include it in these, it just won't happen.

Judy Cullins  c. 2007

Source: Free Articles from

Related Tags: new, book, your, resolution, years, finishing, is

Book and Internet Marketing Coach, Judy Cullins, can help you  build credibility and clients, sell a lot of books, and make maximum profits. Author of 13 books including Write your eBook or Other Short Book Fast and The Fast and Cheap Way to Explode Targeted Web Traffic" Get her free eBook "20 High Octane Book Writing and Marketing Tips" and two free monthly ezines at  Your Article Search Directory : Find in Articles

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