Your Free Taste Promo Checklist
One of the most effective ways of getting people to discover and try your products or services is by offering a Free Taste - which is just that, a taste of what it is that you offer. Free Tastes come in many forms: an ezine, an ecourse, an audio program, a special report, etc., and they are obviously free. It's a tried and true marketing strategy that if you offer someone a free taste of what it is that you do, they are much more likely to become a paying client or customer down the road.
Once you've created your Free Taste, the next step is to market it to encourage people to sign up for your list. The following are 15 proven ways to promote your Free Taste:
1. Your email signature
In your email signature (your name and contact info that you put at the bottom of every email you send out), include a link that goes directly to the sign-up page for your Free Taste or to its respective autoresponder. Entice people to click through with a compelling question, followed by the link.
2. Your website
Make sure your sign-up form for your Free Taste is prominently placed on the home page of your website, as well as on every other page of your site. This way, no matter what page your visitor lands on, you're giving them an opportunity to opt-in to receive your Free Taste.
3. Other people's ezines
Ask to be mentioned and recommended in other people's ezines within your niche. Offer to do the same in return.
4. Other people's websites
Offer your Free Taste as a bonus to colleagues' in complementary niches to offer to their lists.
5. Testimonials you write
Write results-oriented testimonials for products or services you use and love. Give permission to the owner to post your testimonial to their website, including the URL to sign up for your Free Taste.
6. Articles
Write and submit articles within your niche. In the author's resource box at the end, promote your Free Taste by including the URL to your sign-up page or the email link to your autoresponder.
7. Discussion lists
Participate in discussion lists where your target market hangs out and offer your Free Taste, following the list's guidelines for promotions.
8. Thank you pages
On your thank you pages for purchases, offer your Free Taste. Your customer may not have signed up before buying your product or service and you want to give them an opportunity to do so before they leave your website.
9. Your sales copy
Peppered throughout your sales copy, give the opt-in form to sign up for your Free Taste. Most people don't buy on the first pass, but they will likely sign up for your free offering.
10. Your business card
On the back of your business card, tell people where to go to sign-up for your Free Taste.
11. Teleseminars
Offer content-rich free teleseminars and make it clear that your desired outcome is to have the registered guests sign up for your Free Taste, not to sell them anything.
12. Directories
List your Free Taste in the directories that are available to you via your membership in associations or organizations, and any directories specific to the packaging of your Free Taste. For example, if you offer an ezine, consider listing it with The Directory of Ezines at
13. Swap ads with others
Offer to promote a colleagues' Free Taste in return for promoting yours as ads within each other's ezines. Run your ad for a minimum of three consecutive issues for the best results.
14. Tell everyone
Don't forget to tell everyone on your contact list about your Free Taste. Send them the link to your sign-up page, and ask that if they cannot benefit from it themselves to please pass it along to someone who would.
15. Offer a free bonus
Offer a bonus or gift as an added incentive to sign-up for your Free Taste. A special report, an audio program, or something similar that is in a different form than your Free Taste. For example, I offer my ezine as a bonus for signing up for my free 5-day ecourse.
Remember: Never add anyone to your list without their permission.
These 15 tactics will help you promote your Free Taste and add significantly to your list numbers. Just implement them consistently, and you will grow an audience quickly and easily.
© 2007 Alicia M Forest and
Related Tags: internet business, online business, increase sales, small business marketing, online marketing, promo, get more clients, free taste
Alicia M Forest, MBA, Multiple Streams Queen & Coach™ and creator of "21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success System™, teaches coaches, consultants, and other solo professionals and online entrepreneurs how to attract more clients, create profit-making products and services, make more sales, and ultimately live the life they desire and deserve. For FREE tips on how to create abundance in your business, visit Your Article Search Directory : Find in Articles
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