Combat Stress And Combat Pain With An Invigorating Facial Massage

by Heidi Gleason - Date: 2010-07-30 - Word Count: 513 Share This!

When you stop to consider your options for massage therapy, do you think about the importance of a facial massage? Most people don't ... but they should, because when it comes down to it, your face is not unlike the rest of your body, in that massage therapy can provide relaxation and relieve tension. Just as you restore energy to your body, you need to do the same thing to your face, and facial massage accomplishes that by increasing your circulation. When you awaken in the morning, your face probably looks paler and puffier due to the lessened blood flow that occurs as you sleep. Why not return your face to its healthy glow with a nourishing facial massage?

If administered on a regular basis, facial massage therapy tightens and lifts the facial muscles, which helps to reverse the signs of aging. Adding to its popularity is its ability to reduce the wrinkles and fine lines we experience as we age. You face can look dull as a result of the existence of dirt and dead skin cells; facial massage therapy helps to exfoliate the skin and restore its luster.

A facial massage session usually lasts only about 20 minutes, because if administered for longer than that, the muscles in the face can be stretched. This is especially true for people with sensitive skin, which is prone to damage or irritation if too much pressure is used during the facial massage. Because different skin types require different types of lubricants, your massage therapist will examine your skin prior your facial massage to determine what type is best for you. Clients who have very oil skin may not require the use of oils or lubricants at all.

Facial massage therapy can increase circulation and reduce the effects of aging ... but what else does it do? It also serves to improve your skin's texture and tone, moisturizes it and reduces any redness that may be present. Occurrences of breakouts and blemishes can also be reduced - or even eliminated - by facial massage therapy.
The first step in your facial massage is the exfoliation process, which is done by cleansing and scrubbing the skin, followed by the application of massage lotion or oil (if needed). Whatever lubricant is used will be absorbed into the skin during the massage session, and your therapist will softly manipulate the various areas of your face for a different result.

So what benefits can you expect and what areas will your therapist target during facial massage therapy?

Reduction of the appearance of horizontal wrinkles and lines: forehead and nose.

Unclogging of pores and reduction of blemishes: nostrils.
Prevention of wrinkles and sagging muscles: mouth and cheeks.
Reduction the appearance of bags under your eyes: the area around the eyes.

Prevention of sagging skin and increased muscle tone: chin and neck
Massaging to stimulate other body parts: ears.

Let's face it ... these days are filled with stress, tension and fatigue for many of us. And the effect of that pressure doesn't only affect our bodies, but our faces as well. Why not treat your face to the benefits of a relaxing, rejuvenating facial massage?

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