Voip Phone Service: What Providers Are Out There

by Pamela G. Grizzle - Date: 2010-10-16 - Word Count: 400 Share This!

If you are interested in switching to the VoIP technology to make your calls, one of the first and most important moves you are going to have to make is choosing your VoIP phone service provider, who is going to be your broadband VoIP service provider that you need to make VoIP phone calls.
It is important to first be aware of the different VoIP phone service providers that are out there before deciding on any particular one, so that you are aware of what is out there and available to you and be sure to choose the right one.
One of the most popular VoIP phone service providers out there today is Netfone. They offer an array of different phone plans for you to choose from, with the USA & Canada Calling Plan being one of their greatest.
With their Free VoIP USA & Canada Calling service, you will be saving up to 80% on your traditional phone service through great calling plans and lots of features all included for one low price.
With this VoIP phone service plan you will get 1x phone line, free calling in Canada and the continental United States, basic 911 service, free in-network calling, very low international rates, voicemail, voicemail to email, attendant call transfer, call forward always, call forward busy, call return, call hold, caller ID and caller ID blocking, automatic call back, three-way calling, device portability, and much more.
Another of the leading VoIP phone service providers out there today is Vonage. They are one of the leading providers of VoIP Internet broadband telephone services in the world, and they offer VoIP calling plans to home, residential and business customers.
Vonage is a leading provider of broadband telephone services with 2.5 million subscriber lines to date. Their award-winning technology enables anyone to make and receive phone calls with a touchtone telephone almost anywhere, as long as a broadband Internet connection is available. They offer feature-rich and cost effective communication services that offer users an experience that is similar to that of traditional telephone services.
Either of these two VoIP service providers would be a great choice, but keep in mind that this is just to give you an idea of what is out there and there are various other service providers that you can choose from as well. Make sure that you get educated and learn a bit about all the different providers before expecting to choose the right one.

Related Tags: technology, internet, communication, voip, telephone

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