Affiliate Project X Version 2 - Now with Product Portfolio Log

by Michael M Thomas - Date: 2006-12-10 - Word Count: 413 Share This!

If you are an affiliate marketer, there are some basic questions about your efforts that you should be able to answer: What is your most successful product or niche? How successful is it? Ok -- maybe you know those things. But if you don't, you absolutely should know. More important than that is the answer to this question: What is it that makes your product or niche successful?

That's the most important question (about your successful products) because it allows you to know whether you can repeat your successes and it opens the door (potentially, at least) to building around your product or niche. That, my friend, is where you can make a lot of money.

When I started out as an affiliate marketer, I couldn't answer those questions. I started promoting products that I liked or ones that I could relate to. But I had a hard time knowing what was working for me and what wasn't.

Then, about a month or so ago, I started to track everything that I was doing. This is something that I highly recommend. Try this:

Write up a list of everything that you are doing as an affiliate marketer. You an write it out on paper. If you can put it into Excel or a spreadsheet program, that's even better.Add daily notes to what you are doing. How much did you spend in advertising? How much did you generate in revenue (per product)? What else did you do? Quantify everything that you can and take notes.Keep at this for at least a week. By then you should start to see patterns and trends emerge. If you keep at it longer, you'll start to see even more (are weekends stronger or weaker? is Tuesday usually strong or weak?). This will help you to come to understand what is working and what isn't. More than anything, I think it's important to be able to answer the questions about the success of your campaigns and the products you are promoting. If you don't know what's working and what isn't for you, it will be difficult for you to be successful in the long run. When you don't know what's working, it will be difficult to repeat your success. When you don't know what's not working, you'll have a hard time not repeating your mistakes. Set up a system for yourself (it doesn't matter how simple it is) so that you can track your progress. Down the road, you will be glad you did.

Related Tags: make money online, clickbank, adwords miracle, affiliate project x, project x, apx, chris mcneeney

Michael M Thomas is an Internet Marketer with over 7 years of Fortune 500 management experience. Did you find these opinions on AdWords Confessions to be helpful? If so, you can learn a lot more about AdWords Confessions at my blog. Your Article Search Directory : Find in Articles

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