Classic Romantic Gifts

by Arlene Krell - Date: 2006-12-06 - Word Count: 502 Share This!

Whether a big occasion is looming or you just want to express your love, what's the perfect romantic gift? What'll make you look stellar in your sweetie's eyes? These are really tough questions to answer because there is no one, single correct answer. However, classic romantic gifts have endured the test of time for good reasons. They work! So, what's a classic?

1. Flowers - They are great for you guys, but women should not overlook them. Giving a guy a dozen roses will blow him away, mostly because it is so unexpected. Flowers are one of the easiest gifts that you can give. Just call the florist, they will suggest what's appropriate and you're done. Flowers make a big impact, with an efficient use of time.

2. Candy -This is a truly romantic gift. Smooth creamy chocolate, glossy sugar coatings and rich caramels are all indulgent and sensuous. But, be really careful with this one. Many, many people are trying to lose weight and may not appreciate the temptation that a gift of candy would be. So, make certain that heart-shaped box of chocolates will be welcome.

Both flowers and candy are gifts that do not last. When the flowers die and the candy has been eaten, your honey has nothing left from you. Sometimes this is just fine, but other times it can leave him/her a little empty. One of the things to consider when selecting a gift is the importance of the occasion. For example, for your wedding anniversary you want to give him/her something more substantial. If it's your first Christmas together and the relationship is serious, don't go the flowers/candy route. The permanence of gift directly relates to the permanence of the relationship.

3. Perfume - Scent is very powerful. It can conjure incredibly wonderful memories and feelings, but it can also do the opposite. While a lot of marketing is aimed at perfume as a gift, do your homework before attempting this purchase. Scope out his/her existing stash of toiletries. Get an idea what kind of scents he/she likes. Maybe you will luck out and find an almost empty bottle of some wonder cologne that you can simply duplicate. If not, take a few notes of what he/she currently uses. That way when you visit the perfume counter you have some hope of buying a scent he/she will actually like and wear.

4. Jewelry - It is the all time, most romantic gift. The giving of precious metals and jewels dates back millennium, so it has stood the test of time. Generally, the more expensive the item given, the more commitment it symbolizes. So, if you've been dating for a few months, silver might be more appropriate that gold. Then again, when that 25th anniversary comes around everything is appropriate - gold, platinum, diamonds. Don't think jewelry only as a gift to a woman; most men would love to get some nice jewelry too. Whether its, a gold necklace, hoop earrings or something pearl, you won't run out of fresh ideas for him or her.

Related Tags: gifts for him, girlfriend gift, romantic gifts, classic romantic gifts, gifts for her, boyfriend gift

Still uncertain what to purchase? Cut through the confusion and check out the top 5 girlfriend gifts at

Every woman knows what makes a good gift for her and her friends. The author, Arlene Krell is no exception.

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