In Your Office, How Many Bosses are Too Many?

by Serge Andreyev - Date: 2006-12-28 - Word Count: 282 Share This!

So, once I was asked to design stationary for a company that had the misfortune of hiring a smart ass like myself. The company is pretty small, but there is never a shortage of managing personnel to weigh in on the design during the development process. Constant input is still better than no input at all during the planning phase, especially when no input usually ends in a disappointing rejection at the final stage. Nevertheless this sort of direction becomes quite aggravating at times, but if you look back at it after a while it will appear comical and somewhat entertaining. Instead of pulling out the hair on your head, try writing it down and reading it back to yourself. This is what happened when I tried writing out the happenings of my day:

Boss (9:00): Hmm… that's the new design? I like it! Our logo stands out and the information is easy to read. Leave it with me for a while. I will confer with my colleagues...

Boss (10:00): The director of finances wishes the floor number to be included in our address.

Boss (11:00): I want my name to stand out, make it bigger.

Boss (12:00): One of the Senior Vice Presidents wants the logo to be smaller.

Boss (1:00): CEO wants his name and address bigger.

Boss (2:00): I want you to put commas everywhere.

Boss (3:00): Marketing manager thinks there should be bullets everywhere instead of commas.

Boss (4:00): CEO wants more space between letters in our logo.

Boss (5:00): Hmm… Can you tell me why I don't like this design?

Luckily the workday was getting to the end and it was decided to continue perfecting our craft the next day, but that is a whole other story.

Related Tags: design, work, ceo, humor, project, boss, presidents, office, comedy, jokes, bosses, managers

Serge Andreyev is the creator of a website dedicated to jokes, humor, comedy and hosts a humorous liquidtoons blog.

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