10 Uncommon And Unusual Free Product Bonuses

by Kim and Charles Petty - Date: 2008-08-22 - Word Count: 233 Share This!

1. Offline Directory - Create an online directory of offline resources. You could include names, phone numbers, addresses, etc.

2. eBook Of Reviews - Publish an ebook of stuff that's related to your target audience that you could review like products, web sites, movies, etc.

3. Round Table Chat - You could schedule a group chat of people your customers would want to meet and talk to on the internet.

4. Intelligence E-mail Alerts - Allow your customers to sign up to an e-mail alert list. You can alert them when you find out news that could affect their life.

5. Statistics eReport - You could compile a report of different statistics that's related to their purchase. It could be surveys, tests, special studies, etc.

6. Personal Notes eFile - Collect notes that you've taken about your industry and compile them into a downloadable file.

7. Profile eBook - Publish a profile ebook or report of people your target audience are interested in. You can list their birthdays, interests, age, hobbies, etc.

8. E-mail Lessons - Teach a class via e-mail about a subject your customers want to learn. E-mail them study materials, worksheets, assignments, etc.

9. Sample Of Another Product - Give customers a free sample of another product as a bonus. It could be a basic version, excerpt, limited service, etc.

10. To Do List Or Instructions - Publish a list of instructions or things to do in order to accomplish a goal your customers would want to complete. ----

Related Tags: investment, marketing, advertising, online business, business, investments, sales, business online, businesses, business online strategy, business strategies online, 10 uncommon and unusual free product bonuses

Kim and Charles Petty,experts in Real Estate Market. For FREE Special Report and CD and to set up strategy session on how you can make Six or Seven Figures A Year Buying and Selli

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