What Are The Side Effects Of Stress

by Bill Weller - Date: 2010-09-01 - Word Count: 400 Share This!

We live in a fast paced world that never seems to sleep. For many people they try to cram as much activities and commitments into a 24hour day. These ever increasing pressures increase our stress levels to a point where they can become a problem both physically and emotionally.

Stress is becoming more and more common and the condition is being linked to a host of physical and emotional problems. Many of these can be so severe that people become ill.

The reality is we all suffer from stress and in some situations stress is a good thing. We need it to motivate us to achieve things. When stress becomes a regular occurrence it becomes unhealthy. Everyone may experience stress however, some people are better than others at coping with it.

Stress can make us lose concentration and focus. It can make us confused and indecisive. Stress can affect how we eat by making us lose our appetite. It can affect our sleep patterns and make us feel tired. Stress can tire us out and make us feel run down.

When people experience these symptoms they usually reach for artificial stimulants to make them feel normal again. This can be to boost their energy levels or make them more alert and focused. Many of these stimulants come in the form of coffee, cola and high energy drinks, chocolate, alcohol and smoking. In more severe cases people revert to illegal substances such as drugs. These all have different affects on the body.

Substances containing caffeine such as coffee will give people a buzz. However, dependence on caffeine means they will find it hard to relax. Therefore, they take alcohol to relax themselves. This process of highs and lows is a recipe for disaster as it makes stress even worse.

In time this lifestyle of chronic highs and lows becomes normal and addictive. Their main aim is to avoid that feeling of exhaustion which actually their body is telling them they need to stop this madness.

The following symptoms are the side effects of stress:

• Restless and disturbed sleep

• Difficulty of rising in the morning

• Loss of appetite

• The need to light up a cigarette or drink coffee first thing after waking

• Cravings for sugary foods such as chocolate

• Feelings of irritability and easy to anger

• Feelings of anxiousness and nervousness

• Difficulty in remembering things

• A fast heart rate

• A sense of tiredness and lack of motivation

Related Tags: stress, nervousness, stress levels, exhaustion, loss of appetite, artificial stimulants

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