How to Display Your Treasures with Pride

by Sherrill Hartzog - Date: 2007-02-14 - Word Count: 293 Share This!

China cabinets are an ideal way to showcase your items while keeping them protected and organized. There's no simpler way to add personality to a room than with a beautiful arrangement of the things that mean the most to you.

Choosing the Right Cabinet
China cabinets are available in a wide range of sizes and styles. The type of cabinet needed will vary depending on what you collect.

If you have a large collection, consider a floor-standing china cabinet with sliding glass doors. This will allow easy access to your pieces and display them to their full advantage.

Tall, column-shaped units and corner-shaped units are best for those with large collections but small rooms or lots of furniture.

If you're really strapped for space, consider a wall-mounted china cabinet. These units allow you to display smaller collections up off the floor, making them ideal for apartments.

Features of China Cabinets
Most china cabinets have adjustable interior shelves so the configuration can be changed as the collection grows. Some feature halogen lighting inside to spotlight special pieces and create an ambient glow in the room.

Some types of china cabinets feature locking doors to protect your collection. Three-sided cabinets offer a large door in front as well as angled side doors that open separately. These doors allow access to the inside of the cabinet from any angle, making it easier to rearrange or dust the pieces without running the risk of breaking something.

A Must-Have for Any Collector
Your collectibles are precious, and having them on display can add a truly personal touch to your home. A china cabinet that's just right for your treasures will keep them safe while allowing them to be the center of attention. There's no easier way to show the world the things you truly love.

Related Tags: display, cabinets, collections, china cabinet, china cabinets

To search through a large selection of china cabinets, visit: China

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