Treat Herpes Effectively - Take Acyclovir

by Jennifer Alinio - Date: 2007-03-15 - Word Count: 337 Share This!

Genital herpes is an infection in the form of vesicular eruption caused by a virus; simplex-usually involving the mouth, lips, face (cold sores); zoster-infection of certain sensory nerves causing pain and/or blisters along the course of the affected nerve (shingles/zona); genitalis-lesions on the genitalia.
Around 50 million people in the world suffer from genital herpes and about 1 million people are infected each year. The best part is that many people even do not know that they suffer from the disease because they may not experience the symptoms.
If you have ever felt a burning, tingling or itchy feeling around your genital area, buttocks or thighs, or have noticed red open sores or bumps around the area, you may be one of the many people in the world who has herpes.
There are several medications for the treatment of genital herpes and acyclovir is one of the antiviral drugs developed for the treatment. These include acyclovir (zovarix), Val acyclovir (valtrex) and famciclovir (famir).
Acyclovir (brand name Zovirax) is the oldest of the antiviral medications. It has been available since 1982 in a topical form (ointment form) and sold since 1985 in pill form. Now acyclovir is available in a generic form.
It helps by reducing the replication of the viruses that needs to reproduce itself. Thereby it helps to keep the virus inactive. It is effectively used for the treatment of initial episodes and the management of recurring occurrences of genital herpes. Again, it helps in treating acute herpes zoster and chickenpox.
Studies show that these medications are quite safe and effective and rarely produce any side effects. However, certain side effects could be visible such as some allergic reactions, swelling in body parts, stomach pain or less production of urine in the body.

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