Indulge With Moderation This Holiday Season

by Diane Morris - Date: 2006-12-24 - Word Count: 447 Share This!

Most people gain between 2-5# during the holiday but a gradual weight gain of 1-3# a month over the past year adds up to a large amount of weight to lose when the New Year begins.

The key is to enjoy the holidays sensibly.

Home: Bring a healthy dish to a holiday potluck so you know there is one healthy friendly choice. Slice small servings or prepare mini versions such as muffins or mini tarts, quiches.

You can substitute egg substitutes or evaporated skim milk to recipes without sacrificing flavor or quality of the product.

Office: Measure a small serving for yourself instead of letting someone give it to you. Ask yourself is a splurge worth it. If it's worth it, cut calories elsewhere or add a minimum of 15 minutes to your exercise routine.

Buffet: Review the whole buffet before eating. Sit far away from the buffet table while you eat. Limit yourself to foods you like or want to try. Choose small plates rather than dinner size plates. Start with a lean protein with at least two thirds of the plate with fruits and vegetables. These take longer to chew and you will feel more satisfied than eating the mashed potatoes/gravy, macaroni and cheese. At the carving station, skip any sauces and/or the bun.

Restaurant: Drink two full glasses of water before you go, it will decrease the urge to splurge. Read the on-line menu so you can make wiser choices before you go. Choose the entrée before you walk in. Park your car as far away as possible. Try to consume only one of the following: appetizer, drink, bread, or dessert. Ask the waiter to bring a "take-home box" when your meal arrives. Put half of your food in the box, and when the waiter comes back to check on you, ask him to put it in the refrigerator with your name and date on it and request it when the check comes.

Open Bar: Check out the size of cups if there is no bartender. 16 ounce cups or oversized wine glasses can tempt you to fill up. A five ounce glass of dry white wine has about 120 calories. Beer and light beer have 150 and 100 calories per twelve ounce serving. Hard liquor has 90 calories per one and a half ounce serving (1 shot glass). Cream based liquors can contain 100 calories or more per ounce. Drink white wine rather than mixed drinks. Added orange juice or regular soda increases the calories. Alternate each drink with diet sodas, plain water with a lemon, lime, cherry, lime, and orange slices or try club soda with a splash of fruit juice.

Have a safe and healthy Christmas and New Years!

Related Tags: eating, restaurant, new year, weight gain, drinking, good eating habits, buffets, alcohol drinking

Diane Morris, RD has a private consulting business, Always Be Healthy. She has over 20 years experience in the field of food and nutrition. She specializes in nutrition counseling, menu planning. and provides presentations and workshops. She promotes nutrition care products through Vitamark International. A free initial health coaching session is available via the telephone. Call toll Free: 866-660-2751

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