Choosing a Mentor in Direct Sales

by Audrey Okaneko - Date: 2008-09-26 - Word Count: 389 Share This!

I have been fortunate to have had some awesome mentors over the years. Each one came to me in a different way and each taught me valuable business lessons.


I have often been asked how I came to find these wonderful people. There are so many places you can find mentors. Here are a few of my suggestions:


Is there someone in your company that you respect, admire and would like to learn from? If so, send them an email and tell them you would very much enjoy learning from them. Would that be ok?


Is there someone from another company that you've met that you would like to learn from? Again, ask them if they would be willing to help you. I'm often open to helping someone not on my team with some ‘boundaries." For example, I won't do a 3 way call but I will send you some resources to help you make that call. You just don't know until you ask.


Is there someone you've met through a message board that you believe might be able to teach you? Sometimes you can just ask your questions right there on the board and this potential mentor will answer. Send them an email and let them know you value their opinion and you hope they don't mind but you'll be asking them some questions via the message board.


Do you belong to a social network group and someone there has been offering tidbits that you believe can be helpful to you in business? Send them a message and let them know you'd like to read more of what of they offer.


I believe a combination of men and women as mentors will offer you the best balance in learning. Men and women really are different. We all know the series of books Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. This series is all about the differences between men and women. Having both men and women mentors will help you see both sides of every issue. As a woman I actually prefer male mentors, but it's important that I also learn from woman to keep myself balanced.


Make it a point to ask one or two people this week if you can learn from them. You'll find that your business will grow as you learn and grow personally.

Related Tags: direct sales, direct sales tips, direct sales ideas

Audrey Okaneko has been in direct sales since 1983. She can be reached at or you can Become a Tupperware Consultant

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