Job Lay-off? Here's What to Do RIGHT NOW!

by Paul Megan - Date: 2006-11-30 - Word Count: 389 Share This!

The bad news of a job lay-off comes along with a rush of desperation. Then there's the feeling of humiliation and anger. And a heavy dose of self-recrimination. All in all it's a BAD day.

But recovering from this traumatic event is contingent upon how quickly you can get past it and get on with the rest of your life. Having a plan of action can both heal the hurt and resolve some immediate issues.

One of the immediate issues is income. Most people think they have to wait until they find another job to create income. The problem with that is they could be waiting a long, long time for some cash, especially if they insist on using the old-fashioned methods of job search.

So, the first step should be to restore at least part of the income stream. There are many ways to do this. The most obvious is to apply for temp employment. Now, most folks will say, "Sorry, I can't make near enough to replace what I was making." While that's true, I can confidently say it's much more reassuring to have some income than none at all, especially if others are dependent on you.

The other advantages of lining up another source of interim income are:

1. It restores some sense of self-confidence in the middle of an otherwise depressing experience.

2. It strengthens your candidacy for a new permanent job. Employers are much more positively inclined towards someone who is gainfully employed.

3. It keeps you active and alert rather than sitting around moping. It boosts your motivation.

4. It's a great source of job opportunities and referral resources.

There are other ways to get temporarily employed following a job lay-off. Work part-time for a friend. Become a consultant in your area of specialization. Or start a service that utilizes your skills and experience. Print a business card. It's a signal that you're not unemployed and helps you get past the need for embarrassing job lay-off explanations.

But the good news is there's another way!

Much of this job lay-off trauma can be reversed in short order if you immediately start-up an alternative job search using the exciting 21st Century non-traditional job search strategies contained in the World's Fastest Alternative Job Search System. If you follow this innovative plan you can be entertaining a job offer in as little as 14 days!

Related Tags: job search, interview, employment tip, resume tip, career advancement, job lay-off

Paul Megan writes for EEI, the world-class pioneer in alternative job search techniques and non-traditional career advancement strategies . . . since 1985. Grab our stunning FREE REPORT: "How To Lock Up A High-Paying Job In 14 Days (Or Less)!" Your Article Search Directory : Find in Articles

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