Ideal Bandwidth Requirement For Your Website
When you have planned to buy a web hosting service, bandwidth is one of the major factors that you must be concerned about. Although many people recommend having high bandwidth, this is not an absolute requirement for all. In fact, having an excessive bandwidth may end up with tremendous frustration, since you have to pay a high fee against something that you are not actually using.
In this article, you will be able to discover plenty of useful information that will help you to make informed choice regarding the required bandwidth for your website.
The Concept of Bandwidth
Bandwidth refers to the amount the data transferred to the visitors computer from your web space. In other words, bandwidth refers to the amount of data transferred through the network wire in a specific period of time.
When you are planning to buy a hosting service, the bandwidth that your host will suggest you, is typically counted on a monthly basis. This is mainly due to the reason that the web hosting service providers pay a huge fee against their massive broadband internet connection. This is the few that is ultimately carried over to the consumers in the form of payment against their individual service plan.
Calculation of Bandwidth
There is a simple calculation for estimating the required bandwidth size of the website. The formula is: total size of the web pages in the site x monthly traffic volume = required bandwidth. Now here is a brief explanation of the formula along with an example.
Say, you have 5 web pages in your website and the average size of the web pages is 70 KB. That means, the total size of the web pages in your site is 70 x 5 = 350 KB. Now, if your expected traffic volume is 3000 per month, your required bandwidth should be 350 x 3000 = 2.1GB per month. This is the simplest formula for calculating web hosting bandwidth.
Bandwidth Management
If your site allows download facility, make it sure that your hosting plan combines enough bandwidth option. Offering download facility for software, music, flash or video files requires sufficient bandwidth support. In fact, if you only host PDF files on your server, it will take at least 1GB bandwidth in your web space.
So, if you want to manage the bandwidth size, you should be careful enough about choosing the web site components in order to keep the size minimum. As a matter of fact, you need to make the web page size as minimum as possible. Try not to use lots of images in your web pages and when you use images, do not forget to optimize them for web. Moreover, you must not allow multiple files downloading feature and try to keep them under 1MB of size.
No matter what your estimate is, there is always a chance of failure, so you must not forget to look at the fee for exceeding bandwidth in your monthly web hosting plan.
Related Tags: hosting, web hosting, bandwidth, web space, hosting service, web pages
Rodrigo Rehn is a Linux Systems Administrator, Web Programmer, PHP Developer and CEO of Hospedagemlocal hospedagem de sites brazilian web hosting services.
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