The Aida Method for Writing a Press Release

by Jordan Matthews - Date: 2008-04-23 - Word Count: 435 Share This!

Now I will start by breaking it down and exploring each letter of AIDA, in order for one to understand the importance of the philosophy:

The first A is for Attention: If your press release is going to be good the first thing your press release MUST do is attract the ATTENTION of your viewers. It all starts with your headline.

The question now becomes what's a good title? A good title is any title which answers the question of "what is my benefit?" This is all that they really care about. What's in it for them?

The purpose of creating a press release is to not attempt to tell your whole article in your title. The purpose is to capture the attention of the viewer, skillfully rein them in, and let your press release do the selling.

A high quality title is usually targeted towards a specific niche.

In this article I am promoting towards readers who are wanting to learn how to promote their businesses with a press release.

So what makes this article so effective?

The title got your attention, and reeled you in and made you read this article.

Can't be any better than this.

The "I" is about Interest. After you obtain the reader's attention you then need to make them Interested in your service or product or service. The best way start this process by immediately givingout what your title or headline states. You should not attempt to be cute or fancy, and don't string your viewers along for the ride if its not essential.

D= DESIRE: You must create a feeling of Desire for|force the viewer Desire the product. Thepurpose you are trying to attain with this specific piece of the AIDA technique is build up the dollar value and excitement. The number one method to do that is with benefits, benefits and more benefits.

Unfortunately, many marketers are confused on the difference between features or benefits|mistake benefits for features. While it might seem insignificant, it makes for a tremendous change of writing. Features are things which explain pieces your product. Benefits reference the way in which your product will assist the reader to find a solution to his or her problems. Meaning, what will the reader gain by using the product.

For example: A feature is "Lojack." A benefit is Lojack will help police find your car, if it ever gets stolen.The "A" is for ACTION. You should close your news or press release with what is commonly referred to as an action statement. It is important to tell the viewer in no uncertain terms what it is that you would like him or her to do.

Related Tags: marketing, advertising, press release, how to write a press release, writing a press release, elements of a press release

Robert Watson, creator of Press Equalizer, software for Press Release Distribution, has been a successful press release marketer for three years.
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