4 Sure Fire Ways To Immediately Boost Your Success In The Mba Group Discussion/ Personal Interview

by Priyanka T - Date: 2006-12-21 - Word Count: 293 Share This!

Having cleared the written test for B- Schools such as IIM's, XLRI, IIFT, FMS- Delhi, it is important that you have a proper strategy ready for the Group Discussion and Personal Interview. Adequate knowledge of the economy and refining your communication skills are important at this stage.

Here are 4 surefire ways to boost your communication skills

(1) Organized viewpoints: As soon as the topic is given to you, think of three keywords that you can think which relate to the topic. For example if the topic is India in 2020, you can build your viewpoints around Jobs, FDI, Infrastructure

(2) Visualisation: Retention of the Group Discussion panel peaks after 15 seconds of your statements. So try to create mental visualizations. So start by saying-"Imagine Mumbai connected with a 4 lane flyover and smooth traffic". Visualizations remain in the mind of the panel long after you have spoken.

(3) Use data: You should definitely use data around one of your keywords. After all you are going to become an MBA and should become comfortable with numbers. However don't overuse your knowledge of facts and figures- or else you come across as a show off

(4) Listening: It's not only your own viewpoint that matters but also how you integrate the viewpoints of others into your statement. Coming across as a team player will give you a higher grade as compared to someone who made good viewpoints but did not take into account what other's said.

Keeping these 4 surefire ways for a successful Group Discussion in mind also for the Personal Interview. The same factors apply when being asked about your future goals and ambitions. Always remember to be properly updated about the economy as YOU WILL DEFINITELY be questioned about some aspect of the economy and your views of the same.

Related Tags: mba, admission, group discussion, iim, xlri, iit

Priyanka is a MBA from IIM- Bangalore and works as a communication specialist. Her website http://www.mbainterview.in provides useful tips for MBA aspirants to succeed in the MBA Group Discussion and Personal Interview

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