Interior Design Articles - Therapedic Mattress Pad - A Very Good Idea

by ROBIN OBRIEN - Date: 2009-11-02 - Word Count: 439 Share This!

If your current mattress is about ready to be replaced, there is another alternative that could be used, and would save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. A Therapedic mattress pad costs much less than a complete mattress, and it can solve most common mattress problems, with the exception of sagging, which indicates a failing mattress support structure. In addition, having a Therapedic memory foam pad means that unexpected guests can sleep comfortably anywhere the pad can be spread out, and your current bed will still be usable, albeit in the older, less comfortable condition.

Actually, a Therapedic foam pad makes sense for a lot of reasons. It is far less costly than a mattress, offers even a conventional innerspring mattress the semblance of memory foam technology, and can be used as a standalone sleep surface should situations require it. For many, this is better than a futon, and almost anyone will agree that roll-away beds are no longer needed when there is a Therapedic mattress pad in the home.

Even something as handy as a mattress topper has drawbacks, though. The most persistent complaint is that the new mattress pad will emit an odor for a while, but that one is easily solved, and you can eliminate the second most common complaint in the process, which is the fact that the mattress pad takes several hours to fully expand for first use. To solve both problems, spread the mattress on the floor and spray the surface lightly with an odor eliminator such as Febreeze. Next, remove your shoes, and pace around on the mattress topper for about 30 minutes. That should take care of the slow expansion and the offensive odor, all in one easy task.

For those who have trouble keeping warm, or live in colder climates, the Therapedic electric mattress pads may be a better idea. Just plug it into the wall socket, set the thermostat, and enjoy a warm and cozy bed as soon as you crawl under the covers, and stay that way throughout even the coldest of nights.

Yes, a Therapedic mattress pad is a very good idea. Bringing new life into your old mattress, or providing a temporary bed for unexpected visitors, there are very few options that provide the kind of versatility you can get from a mattress topper, not even a futon. Whether you plan to save money, space, or both, a mattress topper can be a very handy item to own.

Follow the links for Therapedic Mattress Pads. You can also find out more about Therapedic mattresses as wells as other leading brands of memory foam mattresses.

Related Tags: buy, memory foam, reviews, ratings, therapedic mattress pad, therapedic electric mattress pad

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