Online Shopping Lingo: Abbreviations and Acronyms
GDA! BBW B&M BOGO on soaps, HTH
And you think WHAT? Huh? What are they talking about? What language is THAT?
(Translation: Good Deal Alert! Bath & Body Works brick-and-mortar store has buy-one-get-one on soaps, hope this helps!)
I mean, it's enough to make you want to TYHO! (Tear Your Hair Out - I made that one up.)
Before you click away in frustration, let me reassure you that it IS possible to speak like a native - you just need a guide to the terminology, acronyms, abbreviations, definitions and common word usage found on rebate and premium product lists, coupon and online code lists, and refunding and trading forums.
Each site you visit may have its own particular phrases, but generally speaking the most common terms are found in the list below.
B&M = Brick & Mortar
B1G1F = Buy One Get One Free
BOGO = (the same as B1G1), Buy One, Get One (usually free)
C/O = Cash Off or Cents Off
CPN = Coupon
CRT = Cash Register Tape
CSR = Customer Service Reps
CVS = A pharmacy/drug store like Rite-Aid
DB = Dear/Darling/Darn Brother
DCRT = Dated Cash Register Receipt
DD* = Dear/Darling/Darn Daughter
DG = Dear/Darling/Darn Girlfriend
DH = Dear/Darling/Darn Husband
DND = Do Not Double
DS* = Dear/Darling/Darn Son
DUPES = Duplicates
DW = Dear/Darling/Darn Wife
EB = Extra Bucks (CVS)
ECB = Extra Care Bucks (CVS)
ESR = Easy Saver Rebate (Walgreens monthly rebate)
FAB = From another Board
GC = Gift Certificate
GDA = Good deal alert
GWP = Gift With Purchase
H/F = Handling Fee
HT/HGT = Hang tag
ISO = In Search Of
LMK = Let Me Know
LOL = Laughing Out Loud and/or Lots of Luck
LPG = Lower Price Guarantee
LSASE = Long self addressed stamped envelope
MIB = Mint in Box
MIL = Mother-in-Law
MMV = Mileage May Vary
MS = Mystery Shopper
NAZ = Name Address Zip code
NED = No expiration date
NIB = New in box
NOCC = No Credit Card
NWOT = New WithOut Tags
NWT = New With Tags
OBO = Or Best Offer
PLMK = Please let me know
POB = Post Office Box
POP = Proof of Purchase
PP = Purchase Price
PPHF = PayPal Handling fee
PREM (Premium) = An item received from a refund offer.
PSTG = Postage
Qualifier (Q)= Proof of Purchase.
RAOK = Random Act of Kindness
RP = Rewards Programs
SAHM = Stay At Home Mom
SASE = Self Addressed Stamped Envelope
SMP = Specially Marked Packages
TMF = Try Me Free
TOS = Terms of Service
TTFN = Ta ta for now
TY/ty = Thank you
UNL = Unlimited
UPC = Universal Product Code
W/L or WL= Wish list
WAHM = Work at home mom
Winetags = coupons found around the neck of a wine bottle
YMMV = Your Merchandise (or Mileage) May Vary
* (Add an S for step _ so DSD is Dear/Darling/Darn Step-Daughter)
Related Tags: shopping, deals, online shopping, shop, bargains, shopper, shop online, buy online, abbreviations
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