Day Job Review - Learn If Day Job Killer Really Is Worth All The Hype

by Tim McIntyre - Date: 2007-03-13 - Word Count: 470 Share This!

When writing a Day Job Killer review, it really is hard to ignore the hype and just write about the facts. Chris, the author, has done such a fantastic job with his promotions that it makes it difficult for any Day Job Killer review to ignore the background noise and focus on the core product.

So when I bought Day Job Killer that were my initial thoughts? Well to be honest I was a little bit disappointed. I say this because I'd allowed myself to be sucked into the whole enormous hype surrounding the launch and so I expected something magical that would blow me away.

The fact that I initially felt disappointed was more to do with the excessive hype around Day Job Killer, rather than any flaws in the product itself. I suppose that when the hype reaches such a fever pitch that it becomes hard not to be disappointed when you initially scan the product.

For this Day Job Killer review though I made sure that I read the book from cover to cover. And then I re-read the damn thing to make sure that I hadn't left any stone unturned. Having gone over Day Job Killer with a fine tooth comb I have to say that I was rather impressed. Chris had managed to build upon the success of Affiliate Project X by delivering a thoroughly comprehensive internet marketing battle plan.

While I was impressed with the ideas contained within the product, this Day Job Killer review just wouldn't be complete without me pointing out the negatives. Some have argued, and with some justification, that this is simply an extension of Affiliate Project X, and that it should have been released as an update, rather than as a whole new product. I have some sympathy for this view, but I also understand that what Chris has released here in Day Job Killers really is so powerful that it definitely deserves its own release.

One pretty major criticism I would have with the product is that it does require some start up costs to be invested prior to profit, and I'm not sure if that was made crystal clear in the sales letter. This Day Job Killer review really needs to point out that while the ideas contained inside are worth their weight in gold, there are some minor start up costs that have to be paid before you will enter into profit.

Despite these fairly minor negatives there is absolutely no doubt that Chris has delivered a knockout blow with Day Job Killer. No it doesn't quite live up to the unbelievable hype, but it still does deliver. One of the beauties of the system is the way your income streams can be multiplied fast with minimal effort. A definite plus when you are looking to establish reliable multiple streams of income.

Related Tags: make money online, chris mcneeney, day job killer review, affiliate project x review

Tim McIntyre is a successful entrepreneur who has been making money online for several years.

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