Lead Generation Secrets From a Lead Generation Coach
4 Common reasons…
Verbal Programming
Specific Incidents
Working with Symptoms
Any of these sound familiar?
Verbal Programming
They suffer from negative conditioning by family, friends, peers, associates, and suppliers who have all tried some form of marketing and communicated their poor results. We remember them. We don't forget them. We dwell on them. These negative memories leave long lasting impressions and affect our "Marketing Blueprint"…they contribute to our negative conditioning, they shape our attitude towards marketing and lead generation, and prevent us from trying new approaches.
Many business owners actually model their management style on a particular individual. Many life coaches recommend you model yourself on someone successful in your industry who has created a successful business, or has found a unique and proven approach….why not apply that concept of modelling to your lead generation and marketing.
Find a proven system or process that you see others implementing and working, and apply it to your business.
Specific Incidents
Remember that one off, last minute ad that cost you £600 that didn't generate a single lead? The networking event where you gave out 30 cards…and not yet had one phone call….The marketing seminar you paid £5K on, and by the time you got home, you'd forgotten half of it, and they showed you no real world examples, and you didnt put any of it into practice. Remember the mailing list you bought, with 38% goneaways? Remember the ebook marketing system you bought off of ebay for £5 that was a complete and utter waste of time.
We remember these negative experiences. We dwell on them. We replay them over in our minds, time and time again. These negative experiences leave long last impressions that mould our thinking and affect our "Marketing Blueprint" and our attitude towards marketing and lead generation and how others market themselves. (we don't want to be compared to them, do we?)
Working with Symptoms
Successful marketing starts with addressing the real marketing issues that are holding our businesses back now. No matter what concepts, techniques, principles or strategies that many people apply (even if they are the right ones), they usually fail because they're not addressing the real marketing issues that are holding them back, or have gotten to the root of their marketing problems that preventing good results and good conversions- they're only dealing with the symptoms.
The same 4 reasons above are probably preventing your prospects from doing business with you….
What if…they may have received verbal conditioning about you, your products, your brand from a 3rd party who had never tried your services., (it happens) What if they have received verbal conditioning for years about a negative experience someone else had with product or service similar to yours...( and they incorrectly compared you with them. )
What if... your prospects are searching for a mentor, or someone to model their business, their process, their systems, their service, even their life, on - and you and your solution might be the one they're looking for, they just haven't found you yet.
What if... your prospects have had a bad experience personally with one of your competitors, would you know? Do you know? This could have quite an impact on their "blue print" and perceptions of others - i.e.; you, in the same industry.
What if ...they simply can't see the wood for the trees, are bogged down in dealing with the symptoms of the problems that you can highlight, bring to their attention, quickly and easily or address head on, but they just don't realise it yet.
One, some or all of the reasons may apply to your business and your prospects
Your Prospects need to know that you recognise their problems, and more importantly, you need to present your case and articulate your message in such a way that it differentiates you from your competitors. (Afterall, there's no-one else like you, offering what you do, you are unique - aren't you? )
If the majority of businesses knew the best methods to identify new prospects, reach those prospects, communicate the benefit of what they have to offer those prospects, gain commitment and meet the expectations of those very same prospects, it would result in more leads, more sales, more revenue and more than likely…….more profit.
Many new start and seasoned business professionals simply can't afford to rely on referrals alone.
Many just need a real competitive advantage and by applying simple, proven, methods, their Marketing really wouldn't be a struggle
Granted, you will find it far more rewarding if your marketing activities result in prospective clients calling you ready to work with you. You'll be a lot more motivated and enthusiastic if most of those prospective clients turn into real clients that pay you what you're worth - every single time.
Sounds too good to be true, believe me it's not. (It can and does happen for many)
Successful marketing starts by identifying what you need to do and analysing why people are attracted to you. It's simple. You need to identify what's wrong with your marketing now.
You need to analyse exactly...
Who your prospective clients are, where you can find them
the problems your prospects have,
the solutions you offer your prospects
The best way to articulate your marketing message,
and then think of the best ways of getting your message out to your target audience.
...so, in short..
...It starts with a marketing audit.
Fraser J. Hay
Related Tags: lead generation, marketing advice, lead generation system
Fraser J. Hay is a multi award winning Scottish Entrepreneur, author and Lead Generation Coach. Fraser and his marketing solutions have been featured in the national press and SKY television with clients experiencing returns on investment of up to 2400%. To try his highly acclaimed 3 Minute marketing Audit for FREE, or for more information on 2500 ways to generate leads, enquiries, prospects, sales and referrals online and offline, then visit http://www.leadgenerationmba.com
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