Why Are There So Many Unhappy People?

by Janet Grace Ortigas - Date: 2009-12-26 - Word Count: 533 Share This!

Many people are unhappy and discontent with their life because they are either poor, physically impaired, ill, or under privileged. It is interesting to note that, not only the socially inept people are unhappy but also the intelligent, and rich people at that. The truth is, the ego is the culprit in all human unhappiness and this is one thing that everyone shares in common. But what many people don't know is that the discontent they feel and the way they treat themselves and others are caused by their ego.

It took a long time for many people to understand and figure out that an ego is the cover they wear that they often confuse as themselves. Your inner self is the inner person behind the social mask and it attaches to many things like your physical body which explains the preoccupation with anxiety everyone feels about how they look. But the physical you, is not who you are because the person behind both your face and form is you and this is the most important thing. Your ego is any identity you pick up that gives some definition of who you are or who you think you are that has taken form and function but the real you is none of these.

The other reason why many people are unhappy is because they expect too much and when they don't succeed they abandon their efforts and go back to old habits which is such a pity because they don't allow themselves to enjoy small successes and pleasures. Instead of being disappointed and filling your mind with negative thoughts, why don't you reshape your mind by using these small pleasures and successes to reward yourself to continue because even if success stories about life changes are rare, many people have actually done it.

To be able to change your life you need to realize that success requires a lot of time and the key is, changing your approach to life. This is an internal process and only you can do it in order to reach the desired result. Make sure that you always think you can achieve the change in your life. To ensure success, you have to make sure not to give up if there are a few drawbacks in the change process because this is not easy so you have to focus. Be optimistic that you can change your life and each time a negative thought invades your mind change your thoughts to something positive regardless of unfortunate drawbacks.

You can visualize your success by creating positive images of success and happiness. Don't be impressed by other people because the only one that can be successful in your life is yourself. Think positively and translate it to positive thoughts that will make you happy. Don't stop dreaming because the power of your mind is enormous and it can take you to places that can make you happy. Visualize what you want to achieve in life, your relationship, and your career because this process will make you feel better and happy. Take control of your mind to fight all evil thoughts and change your life forever.

Learn more about Mastering the Law of Attraction by visiting http://www.thesecretoflifebydesign.com.

Related Tags: life changes, rich people, unhappy people, inept people, socially inept people, life forever

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