Your Children And The Internet - 5 Tips To Keep Your Children Safe While They Are Online

by Connie Ragen Green - Date: 2007-05-21 - Word Count: 479 Share This!

If your children are on the Internet you may be concerned about their safety. We hear stories regularly about unscrupulous adults luring young people into dangerous situations. Our kids want to be connected and we should encourage that desire, but it is important to set strict guidelines for how that is to be done. Here are 5 tips to keep your children safe while they are using the Internet at your home.

Place your family computer in the center of the house. Make sure that the monitor is against the wall and the chair is facing inward, not the other way around. You want it so that anyone in the vicinity of the computer can easily see what is on the screen. That will discourage you child from visiting sites they should not be viewing or writing things they would rather not have read. Make this computer area a highly trafficked one that offers little privacy.Teach your children that privacy is not part of using the computer. Encourage them to share what they are writing or seeing with other family members. Get everyone involved so that computer time becomes social, family time where they are doing this activity as though it were any other family activity.Have passwords that are used by the entire family. If you have one computer that is connected to the Internet for all of your children to use then they must be on the computer one at a time. That way there is no need for additional accounts or passwords unless the software requires additional ones for more pages on the same site. Let them know that anything they create or write will be viewed by other family members. Post a list of passwords on the wall next to the computer so that everyone has easy access to them.Encourage the creative use of blogs and social networking sites such as MySpace. Let your children know that learning how to use this technology is an important part of their education. Have them show you the layout and design of a blog they have created or the MySpace page they have put up. Make every attempt to have the computer replace the television as a way to socially interact with other family members. Play music, watch video, and create photo albums together as a family. By following these 5 tips your children will become accustomed to the computer as a place of social interaction instead of a place of solitude. If you have an additional computer, set it up as a place to do homework and word processing, but without an Internet connection. If you have a home office make a rule that no one is to use that computer because it is strictly for your job. Your children will learn proper safety rules for Internet use while still learning the importance of using technology in their lives.

Related Tags: connie ragen green, children on the internet, child safety online

Connie Ragen Green helps realtors and other sales professionals to attract clients by leveraging the power of the Internet. Visit her at

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