How To Deliver The Perfect Wedding Speech

by Vicki Churchill - Date: 2006-11-30 - Word Count: 588 Share This!

Hundreds of people, bright lights, microphones and uncomfortable clothing, not the ideal setting to stand up and start talking, particularly at the moment where you are probably nervous, sweating, dry mouthed and your stomach feels like its doing somersaults!

You will be pleased to know there are ways to combat your fears and settle your nerves.

The first thing to remember is who your audience is. They will be your friends and family not a jeering bunch of hecklers. They do not want to see you fall short but if you do they will be sympathetic.

Secondly remember to breathe, take deep and slow breathes. Do not rush your words.

Try stretching out your fingers and toes. Sounds silly but it really does work!.

Some people say eating a banana before the speech can help with anxiety and at the same time give you energy.

Do not drink! One alcoholic drink is fine to calm your nerves but then stick to water. There is nothing more cringe worthy than a wedding speech delivered by a slurring drunkard.

Be yourself, nobody is perfect and your audience will not expect you to be.

If you become emotional do not worry just take a moment to compose yourself and remember if you are getting choked you probably won't be the only one.

Imagine you are talking to someone at the end of the room and project your voice accordingly. Remember to make eye contact with your audience as they will soon tire and become distracted if you deliver your speech head down reading from a script.

The wedding speech order Bearing in mind cultural diversities there are three main speeches given at the reception. They are the father of the bride speech, the bridegrooms and the best mans. Occasionally the maid of honor or a good friend of the bride will also give a wedding speech.

By tradition the father of the bride would be called upon, firstly to toast the grooms parents and then raise a toast to the bride and groom. This is a good way to open because it is easy to remember and involves the audience from the outset. This allows them to acknowledge the bride and groom and at the same time give you a few precious seconds to overcome any early nerves or wobbly knees. The father of the bride would then welcome the groom to his family and finally end his wedding speech by saying a few loving words about his daughter.

The bridegroom would then respond by thanking his parents for his upbringing and the parents of the bride for raising such a beautiful daughter. He would then take the opportunity on behalf of his wife and himself to thank the guests for attending and for the gifts received.

The best mans wedding speech is probably the toughest to get right as this speech is expected to be light hearted and fun as well as sincere. A joke or two in good taste will keep the listeners captivated plus hearing your audience laugh will be a tonic for your nerves in addition to raising your confidence! Other duties include a toast to the bridesmaids and to present them with gifts on behalf of the bride and groom in appreciation. He should also read a few (not too many) of the guest wedding cards. To end his speech he should wish the bride and groom success, health and happiness in the years to come.

Above all enjoy giving your wedding speech, have fun and see it as an opportunity to tell your nearest and dearest your heartfelt feelings.

Related Tags: wedding, wedding cake, weddings, wedding speech, wedding speeches, wedding table, wedding ideas

Vicki Churchill is the owner of Wedding Table Ideas a site that specialises in wedding table ideas and other occasions. Another great site to visit should you wish to have your wedding speech written for you is A Gift Of Poetry Your Article Search Directory : Find in Articles

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